So Fall has finally arrived to Chicago. Today was the first day that I seriously felt a chill walking outside and there was that "crispness" that only found in the early mornings around Fall and Winter. Having this change of season immediately brought to mind being in Waterloo. It's like one of those senses triggering memory type of deals. It isn't often that I have the time to miss being back home but today was one of those days. Mind you, I'm not homesick. I did feel it the one time when I called everyone back in 'loo after their first day of classes and heard all of them getting ready for our 'tradition' of going to FED 101 - I was homesick & missed my friends a lot at the moment.

Anyways, this weather reminds of last year. Funny how of all my undergrad years, my last year is most memorable. (It could be because it's also the freshest in my mind...but I'd like to think that it's because it meant the most to me). This weather reminds my of Fall retreat, something that I will never forget and something that will forever change my life. It brings a smile to my face as it also reminds me of early morning encounters before classes. Basically, all the great times that I had during my last fall term - hanging out with my pre-opt crew; shopping with the girls in Montreal; the massive production of Lifesong; and most of all, meeting some new and incredible people.

It's weird how I would miss Waterloo of all places - you'd think that Toronto would be more likely but Waterloo was were I lived independently for the first time, it was were I grew and learned from my many mistakes. Just trying to imagine how I was back in first year getting ready to go Waterloo and it's crazy to see how much change has taken place. I feel as if I had gone through extreme changes, a 360 turn that isn't a complete circle because I will never be who I was when I first started university.

I remember being so shocked to see people doing drugs and having sex in residence. *laughs* Apparently I thought I knew everything since I just graduated high school. Let me tell you, knowing things happened in the world is one thing but when it actually affects you and the people you know - it's a whole other story. Yup, first year was definitely an eye-opener, not just in terms of what it's like outside my "bubble" but also of who I was and how I never had a real stand on different issues.

Second year was a blur, no real lesson sticks out other than the time that I missed my final exam for econ. Betcha didn't know that about me! I don't think I ever mentioned it to anyone since it was such a silly mistake. Basically, I read the date of the exam wrong and missed it because I thought it was the following day. I didn't know until I was getting ready to go out the door and wanted to check the room number. Luckily, my prof allowed me to write the make-up. Still didn't do well even with the extra day of I despised econ! There, that's my embarrassing story of the day.

I remember writing a list of goals back in grade 11/12 (?) with Steph & Michelle. I don't know if any of you still remember what I wrote. You might have seen it if you came to visit my old house since it was on my wall up until we moved. Basically, the goals addressed how I was and where I stood in terms of relationships. I won't write down what they were cuz a) I can't remember exactlyand b) I know I still have the same weaknesses. I'm surprised though; I must have been a pretty perceptive kid back then (either that or Steph and Michelle were just amazingly insightful). I mention this now because I say that I have gone through a lot more since then - yet at the same time, it's kind of sad because it seems as though some things don't change. Although I choose not to believe that. I know that I just can't change on my own. I believe that if I have my heart set on something much greater; that I will be changed in the process. At least, that's what I hold on to.

Ah, good times all around...Here's to many more years of nostalgia!

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I realized that it's been a while since I've last posted. I wanted to - believe me, like Ivan, there were times that thoughts came to my head where it would have made a good post but alas, there are only so many hours in a day and much of it needs to be focused on school.

Ah yes, school...where to start. This week was suppose to be a pretty crazy week but it's almost over and I came out pretty intact (at least until 6:30 rolls around). While writing my sensory test on Monday, I kept on repeating to myself "I don't care" after every single answer i circled. Needless to say, this was not the best attitude when writing a test and I got a mark that was fairly disappointing for the amount of effort I put in. I had spoke to Helen the day before about my attitude towards studying, education and marks; and as a direct result, I did what I always do - a complete 180 in hopes to change things. Obviously, the key is finding a balance between my goals and my motives behind the goals.

I am thankful though, extremely thankful that there are still people caring about my well-being and praying for me back at home. I'm thankful for the wonderful group of girls that I live with - that we can get along, joke, and study together. I enjoy the fact that at 11pm on a thursday night, a third of our class is crammed into a lab, willing to quiz & help each other in preparation for a test.

I have realized that I am going to know more about the eye than I ever wanted to know. Who ever knew there was so much involved with an eye? The more I learn, the more confident I am in the competency of my eye doctor. Heck, if you had to know all this stuff to be able to practice - kudos to you!

Classes are great here. In anatomy, they actually test your knowledge through a clinical perspective (ie. you're given all these symptoms and you have to diagnose the problem). In biochem, I'm learning everything that I had learnt in my old biochem class BUT from the perspective of the eye. Same with physio; we learn all these different systemic diseases, their ocular implications and the reasons behind them. In optometry class, I'm learning how to read prescriptions and in optics class I'm learning how to determine the presciptions as well as how it works. This class is by far the coolest. Our prof can look at any person in class with glasses sitting on their face and tell their prescription without touching anything. He can also tell you which type of lens and coating they have. And he can figure out anyone's prescription without any instruments whatsoever. Yes, by far the coolest. My last class is sensory - the doozy class. It's not very fun because the entire first month we've learnt about light bulbs. I can tell you more than you ever need to know about the different types of bulbs. But I have to admit, you'll never find a prof more enthusiastic about the subject. This class would be even more torturous.

I have my first anatomy practical tomorrow. I've never had one before but apparently it's fairly common in the states. There will be models set up at 30 different stations and we have 1 min 15 sec at each station to identify parts/relationships/functions/etc. Wish me luck!

One last note, my parents are coming to visit me on thanksgiving for my b-day. How awesome is that?! If anyone else would like to hitch a ride, there's still room in the car & an extra bed. THe only stipulation is that you have to bring something for me! *grin*

Thanks all for now. Stay tune for more mispronunciations of this Canuck!

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Today was a looong day. The thing about this school is that they're very keen on class hours. This means that even tests have to be scheduled outside of lecture time so that they can continually cram info into your brain in the afternoon as you spew them out in the morning. I mean, I've never had classes that would reschedule lecture hours because of a national holiday. I still had my classes from labour day...oh yessiree, just not on that monday. It's definitely great that I'm getting my full money's worth here though, especially the amount I'm forking over! It's gotten to the point where the digits don't matter to me because I've never see that many numbers =)

So yes, back to my day. Here's a look:
6am - wake up (I shower in the mornings & I like to review my notes before an exam)
8am - write test
9am - Sensory lab
11am - Anatomy lab
1 pm -lunch
1:30pm - Book drive meeting
2pm - Biochem
4pm - Sensory
5pm - dinner
5:30pm - BREAK!
6pm - group meeting
7:30pm - assignment
11:30pm - now

I am so glad that this jam-packed day is not normal, otherwise I think I would go crazy. Seriously, my head hurts from being so tired - I didn't even think that was possible. Don't get me wrong though, I'm totally loving the fact that I'm here and I'm enjoying every moment of it! Well...almost. There's one class that's a bit of doozy but on the whole, the profs' are entertaining. I shall blog about the stories another time. I can't believe I'm actually in OPTOMETRY - whoohoo!!! =)

P.S. Did i mention that I ate 4 pieces of cake today - 3 of which constituted my dinner. I feel sick when I think about it, but it was darn yummy going down!

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'Just Give Me Jesus' Conference

I ended up going to the Christian women's conference with Anne Graham Lotz as the main speaker yesterday night. It's actually a two-day event but I could only make it for yesterday since I had to work this morning. It was different from any other event that I've been to because it's in a huge stadium (where the Bulls & other sporting events normally occcur). It was weird to see a sporting stadium filled with only women; and from so many different states, brought together by one common thing - each one of us wanted more Jesus in our lives. It's truly an amazing bond.

I went with my church and it was interesting to see more than 70 women representing different generations all on the bus. I think there were some high school girls, some from college and young adult, some newly married and some parents; there were even a couple of grandmas. For those where english is not their first language, there were earpieces and different interpreters available in the various corporate rooms: Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, even sign language!

The session topic was about Jesus as our Saviour, and Anne Graham Lotz went through the last few hours of Jesus' life. One thing that I thought was neat was when she said that even when Jesus couldn't feel God He still quoted scripture and put His faith in the Word of God. (ie. when he said "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" ~Mk 15:34; it's actually from Ps 22:1) I found it interesting because it's something that is practical and that I can actually do - must read more Bible thought! I think the most moving part of the entire event was when lots of women gathered around the stage at the end of the night - some were kneeling and others standing, but all were just praying for forgiveness at the foot of the cross.

As we were all heading back on the bus, each woman from our church received a flower and a card courtesy of some men in the young adults group - all the cards quoted a passage and a small prayer. I just thought it was a really nice gesture, especially since each card was artistically hand-made (by guys nonetheless!) and it was encouraging to know that after all these brothers/husbands dropped off their sisters/wives, they were praying for us the whole time we were at the conference. God uses each and every one of us in the greatest way doesn't He? =) How can I encourage others in return?

"Love so amazing demands my life, my soul, my all"
~ Anne Graham Lotz

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Ok, so I was sitting in my biochem class and had a moment clarity while on a french vanilla high - everything I'm learning is related to the eye! Don't seriously did NOT hit me until today, even though the eye has been mentioned in every single class an infinite number of times. I guess I had been relating all that I've been learning to still being in undergrad. It's pretty similar in terms of sitting in class while a prof is at the front lecturing to us. I am going to know more than I ever wanted to know about the eye...I mean, I'm going to seriously know it inside and out. Part of me is wondering: am I ready for it? The other part is thinking: this is what I always wanted! I guess I'm a little scared that I've lost that desire which drove me to want to go into optometry in the first place. But I'm pretty sure this fear is induced by my brain-deadness from the constant cramming of info and adrenaline rush of needing things to be done.

Even as I write this, I am reminded of my original reason for wanting to be in this profession and what I had written for my application. And it just perked me up. Maybe I'll post it online one day =) I think I may need to print a copy and stick it near my desk as a constant reminder. But I'm liking this whole blogging helps me organize my thoughts. Sorry to all you who have to put up with the process as you read this though! *huggs*

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-waking up early on a long weekend to drive 8 hrs straight
-willing to drive another hour and a half immediately to an outlet mall
-buying someone else everything they want and sitting/waiting patiently for 5 hrs in the heat while others shop
-having an extremely late dinner and then driving another hour and a half in the middle of the night
-spotlessly cleaning a guest suite where you've spent just one night
-worrying about someone's adjustment in a new church
-driving more than half an hour for errands
-coming back to hem three new pants...
-...only to drive out AGAIN to same place for more errands
-organizing a closet
-waiting in line for half an hour just for take-out (when it's not your own)
-buying enough food, for two starving students, to last three meals
-dropping off food & hitting the road for another 8 hours of straight driving in pitch dark
-arriving home at an indecent hour; after spending more than 20 hours on the road for just two days of travelling

I am so incredibly blessed to have such loving parents. They will do absolutely anything and everything for me and I have done nothing to deserve them. I begin to think:
How is it even possible that humans can have so much love in them?
What am I doing with my capacity to love?
Can it even begin to compare to the sacrifices that my parents made?

When I think of this, I can't help but be reminded of God's love for me and for us! What's so incredible is that God's love is so much more then what my parents did this weekend...a crazy amount more, so much that I can't even begin to imagine. Thank you Lord! Honestly, 'what else can I do but worship'?

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So while everyone else is getting ready to go back to school, I am already finishing my 2nd week of classes. Things have been pretty good so far, starting to pcik up though. I did a class presentation yesterday for some extra credit - I know I'm a such a nerd but I figured it was worth it! It was kind of nerve-racking standing in front of my whole class (there's 158 of us) but everyone gave sincere compliments so I guess all those years of the science centre did come into use after all!

We got our test schedule and there are 2 tests a week (some with 3) but at least they're spaced out evenly. Also have assignments and group projects, I'm almost finished two and hoping to finish my paper today. I guess this is pretty normal for a lot of the engineering people since you all have your classes together but it's definitely something to get used to as a science student. I can see how everyone in our class know each other by graduation because we all have the exact same schedule.

Something I don't like about being so far from home and living in res is the fact that I'm on a meal plan. Firstly, the food isn't the greatest but most of the time edible. *laughs* Except for last night were you really can't tell if it was fish or chicken (now that's scary!) Health is definitely going to be an issue if the hot food continues to be this greasy and fatty. Secondly, they don't have dinners on weekends. Now this is great for us to go and explore Chicago, but in this area - it's not like I can just walk to the nearest take-out or East Side's. Especially when it's dark. And they don't serve food on holidays. This mean that my last meal is on Friday for lunch and then I don't get to eat until Tuesday morning because fo Labour Day weekend. What should I do?? If I was in Waterloo, this wouldn't matter because I would just go home for the weekend. Not possible anymore. And I can't live on instant noodles for ALL my meals - heck, even I think that's gross! I guess it'll be a good time to fast...although I always said I couldn't give up food, maybe this is showing me that it's my idol. Oie! I hate to say it...but I hope not.

Anyways, last but not least, I saw "Primal Fear" last night with my roommate. It's an older movie made in the '90s with Richard Gere and Ed Norton before he was famous. If you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend you rent it. It's one of those movies that would rank around Shawshank...below it but in the same category of 'good'. It sent shivers through my body and I couldn't sleep for a bit, but you know how I am with movies. Guess that's all, school can't be THAT crazy yet if I can still have time to catch a flick, rite? Toodles! =)

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