I finally read "Banana Boys" by Terry Woo. I first heard of the book through Imprint (the Waterloo school paper) and then through Ivan's blog. It took me a while to get it, apparently it's not so popular in the States - I had to get mine loaned from the University of Vermont. Yes, I am too cheap to buy the book. Heck, it says $22.99 on the back! For a paperback nonetheless!

I must say that I'm disappointed. I had expected more; more humor, more connection, or something. To be honest, it just a story about a bunch of depressed asian guys who drink waayyy too much and ramble about their pathetic lives...actually, in this sense, the book was kind of realistic. *grin* But I guess it wasn't what I had wanted from the book and a lot of the experiences the characters had I really couldn't relate to. I DID enjoy trying to decipher the written form of chingish (ie. "heung jiu" = 'banana' in cantonese). It's something that I often use myself when taking down phones messages for my parents since I can't write chinese. Another thing that I thought was kind of neat was that the setting sometimes took place in Waterloo, so I knew which buildings they were talking about.

On the whole though, it's definitely a book to borrow from the library, and read only if you had time. Maybe it's because I'm a girl and the characters were guys. I find that a lot of times the conversations between the characters reflect the pseudo-philosophical discussions found on the msg board (which I also conveniently skip; sorry boys!) And their complaints about the CBC girls I find are unfounded. Of course this is my biased opinion. For example...

This is an excerpt where a guy named Dave is explaining why he likes his friend's sister:

"She knows what she likes, what she doesn't like, she's focused, but not chip-on-the-shoulder aggressive...
In my world, where Oriental women are too motherly or sisterly, too timid or b*****, too plain or vain, too responsible or crazy, or just generally f***** up, she's a real find...
and of course, she's engaged. To a white guy. Figures."

I completely disagree with this, I know plenty of girls who fit the discription, and aren't too...anything. AND they're all dating Banana boys. So the basis of the book's is wrong. My theory is there must be something wrong with the characters in the book since no girls want to date them - could it be their self-pitying nature and lack of guts to ask a girl out?

Let's face it, deep down every girl essentially wants someone to take care of them and protect them & their off-spring. It's part of nature and is inborn, I don't care how you put it. Now, even if you're the independent type of girl (which would be more my case) it's still there - its just hidden underneath the lack of trust for the opposite sex. That is, how can these guys possible do a good enough job for their "dependants" when they can't even take care of themselves. Best we watch our own back first. This is how I think my generation of girls are brought up see it. I'm not saying that it's right or that it's good. In fact, I don't think it is and I'm learning to let go of my need to be in control and how to believe in the opposite sex (something that's a work in progress). The best way for a person to improve is when others put their trust in your abilities and just let you go at it. I mean, how else is the poor sap suppose to learn? *grin*


I couldn't help but compare myself to a character's desciption of the "ideal woman" - just to see if there was any resemblance. It's silly and stupid, I'm the first to admit it. And I can picture all of you guys laughing at me as you read this but I don't care! I'm being honest on my blog, so there =P

Excerpt #2:
"I see a willowy Asian woman: long black hair, pale complexion, large expressive brown eyes, perhaps like the ones on Japamine heronies. She has a smallish nose, and a smallish mouth, which generously gives smallish smiles.

She's neatly dressed, yet cery casual bordering on slobhood at home. She's intelligent and quiet, but never afraid to speak her mind when she feels she's right, calling me on my copped attitudes witha firm stare and a wry sense of humour.

She's resonable and serious, but she can also relax and cut loose once in a while. She might be in a 'responsible' field like accounting or optometry, but she has a full appreciation of the finer things in life, to counterbalance my aftless lack of culture.

She likes reading, she trasures her time alone, but she also loves spending time with me, just goofing off - lying in the part in the summer, driving for takeout late at night, making snide comments at the latest fall offerings by the Fox Network. She likes good coffee and good music, some of which we would argure about in a good-natured sort of way. She likes the occasional beer; when she does drink, she laughs a lot and turns red.

She likes to try new things like going out for Ethiopian or Romanian, or giving that new neo-Uiguric-Etruscan palce a shot. She makes a great Caesar salad, but otherwise, she can't cook worth beans - she pawns off all the cooking duties on me."

Let's see: Asian woman, check. I won't describe my hair as long nor my eyes large, and I look NOTHING like the anime characters. They are hot though, you've got to admit. Especially the chicks from Final Fantasy!

Anyways, my dressing may be too casual - I am more slobbishly dressed then I care to admit at times. I don't normally speak my mind unless the conversation is going at my pace - otherwise, it takes too long and requires too much effort to form an opinion. I'd rather observe and absorb. And I'm not the person that comes to mind when you think of having a sense of humour.

Ah, here comes the fun part. I'd like to think I am reasonable and serious when I need to be. And I can definitely cut loose. I AM in optometry (whoohoo, extra brownie points!) but I'm afraid I'm not very good in appreciating artsy stuff.

I do like to read a lot and I absolutely treasure my time alone. This may be single-child syndrome coming out in me. I guess I would enjoy spending time with a guy if I liked him but I'm not big on drinking coffee. Unless, of course, it's Timmy's iced caps...something that they need to start here in the states. I hate beer and refuse to drink it but I do turn red if I drink alcoholic beverages (I believe it's called the Asian flush).

I'd like to say that I enjoy trying new things but I'm not extremely adventurous. I think the last sentence speaks to me like no other - I would say that I've found my soul-mate if the guy can: a) appreciate a good Ceasar salad and b) want a girl who can't cook! *laughs*

I know that if I had to write down my "ideal man" it would probably be 10 times longer than this excerpt =). But just out of curiousity, how similar is this list to what you, as male blog readers, are looking for? I'm expecting at least 1 response from Ivan, cuz he's always willing to share his thoughts with me. Let me know!

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So ends my 2nd day of classes. Things have been going fairly well, most have been review except for my optics course - which already has half the class spinning in confusion. You may have noticed my title. You know how at the beginning of high school and university, they always have those workshops that go over how you should study? This is the first time EVER, that I have actually followed it. I have reviewed all my courses before the lectures, finished dinner, then head back to my room to review what we talked about, and then reviewed to the next day's lectures. Hence my question: What IS happening to me? It's always been that I would procrastinate during the first month of classes until assignments and midterms start getting close - then I start to hit the books. Mind you, I realize that it's only the 2nd day but still - it's weird. More scary, I think, is the fact that every other person in Res is doing the exact same thing. *sigh* I can feel myself getting old very, very fast. I need to act silly and childish before I start losing who I am. I think I have always found my identity in being impulsive. Granted, this has gotten me into trouble time and time again. But I had always thought that a little spontaneity was a good thing, not to mention fun! Does it mean that you can't be spontaneous if you want to be mature? (RE: Simon's blog) 'Cause you should always be doing something else - that's what doing things on impulse means...dropping everything and doing whatever you crave at the moment. Hmmm, just re-reading this last sentence, I can see how this is reflected in the dips in my life. Maybe it IS time for me to mature - now that's a thought!

On the topic of "exercising" (RE: Steph's blog), I have decided to take up yoga. They do have cardio/dance, what I normally like to do, but it's during my classes. Is yoga exercising? I mean, I can't see how much of a workout you can get from breathing and meditiating. But if you look at Madonna, she's crazy-fit and that's all she does! (Or so she says...) We'll see how this yoga thing goes...I'm starting to feel heavier as well. It really might have something to do with the portions they give here and my desire to not waste. Or it could also be the fact that I snack on junk food whenever I get the chance. Weekends are not the healthiest since they only serve brunch and dinners are on your own. I spent last weekend eating instant noodles, chinese rice crackers, seaweed and chips. I had bought over $100 worth of chinese junk food to bring down with me so you'll be seeing that many pounds on me in proportion! =)

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So it's sunday afternoon right now and I just wanted to share something. I spent most of yesterday afternoon trying to figure out which church to go to today. Willowcreek was definitely out of the question so I started to search the web. It was a difficult thing to do since I really didn't know much. Who would have ever thought that there would be so many different denominations. For example, what's the difference between 'baptist' and 'missionary baptist'? And to make matters even more challenging, they even had the known questionable groups on the same site. So I decided to only consider those that I've heard of. There was two that sounded really good but both were quite far up north (we're talking at least 1 hr or more by subway). So I was considering a community church close to Moody Church - which was the one I went to last week with my parents. I even searched University of Chicago and Illinois Institute of Technology's website for fellowships and related church links since they were both relatively close to where I was.

All I can say is that God always provides. Helen called me just to check-up and she just happened to mention that I could look into going to a chinese church. Funny huh? Since I'm chinese, you'd think that this would have already been thought of. So I did more internet searching and found CCUC (Chinese Christian Union Church). It's located in Chinatown, which is 1 subway stop away from where I get on. I figured it was close, and since I didn't know what time the baptist church next door started, I'd go to CCUC this week and check it out first. It took me about 30 mins to get there and let me tell you, even though it was broad daylight, it was scary walking around a strange city - especially when you're female and you know the neighbourhood isn't the safest. My roommate gave me a bottle of mase to carry around. I know I've been living in a suburban bubble my whole life but seriously, who really walks around carrying mase and pepper spray in Toronto? Isn't it illegal or something?? Freaked me right out cuz it's apparently the most normal thing to have around here, regardless of whether you're a guy or a girl. Anyways, I walked into the sanctuary and it felt like I was home - it was so weird. Maybe it's because I had all this fear building up inside of me so the minute I sat down, it just hit me. Overall, the experience was good. I joined a Sunday school group, although they technically weren't doing sunday school stuff. It was the age-group closest to me and they were doing bible study leadership training so I joined in. It turns out that their previous pastor had moved to Toronto and is actually serving at NYCBC right now. How neat is that?

Anyways, in other church-related news, I went to the baptist church next door on the way to the station to find out the service times. I tried yesterday but the doors were all locked. It was kind of scary because all the windows had wires on them (in case I didn't mention before, the school is located in a rougher neighbourhood). I went inside and it was still scary and also pretty gloomy. I mean, you'd be intimidated too when you have big portraits of large, black pastors staring at you when you walk into the church. I hope that didn't sound wasn't meant to be, it's just how I felt. So I don't think I'd be comfortable going there every week...maybe during exams if I really need to.

Another thing to mention is that there's a Women's conference on Sept. 10 - 11 that I'm thinking about going to. The main speaker is Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham, and it's in Chicago. The best part is, it's FREE and there's no registration. So I can just show up last minute if I wanted to, although I'd have to figure out where it is. That's about all I have to share right now...I'll let you know how things go =)

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Hey guys! Thanks for all your words of encouragement, it truly means a lot to know that there's so many people back home who are praying for me and supporting me. Things are slightly better today. I got to meet a classmate who goes to church - Willowcreek nonetheless! But unfortunately he's commutes about 1 and a 1/2 hrs to school everyday so I doubt he'd be willing to drive out just to pick me up for church. It's weird, I've met so many classmates that are married - this guy just got married a month ago. Another guy's been married for 6 years and has one kid who's 4 and another on the way. There's at least 4 or 5 women that I saw who had rings on their finger. Hanging around so many people who are so focused and mature is definitely something I need to get use to and learn from.

Yup, our year is very diverse and actually kinda sketchy. *laughs* We had an interactive forum on ethics today with questions that had obvious answers such as if you should date patients - the answer being yes if they were cute, duh! I'm just kidding =). But some of the questions that they asked I seriously wouldn't have even considered. For example, you have a practical exam today so last night you practiced on a friend (so you know their eye and the procedure really well) only to find out that the prof had assigned that same friend to be your patient subject. I would have just wrote it off as being lucky but apparently you're suppose to tell the prof so that they could change the people. Now in retrospect, I can see how that would be unfair to my classmates (or "colleagues" as they continuously drill into our heads) but yeah, definitely wouldn't have thought of it at the time.

Last but not least, I know that many of you have been asking for contact info. I do have everything and I'm just trying to find everyone's e-mail and just send one mass e-mail out instead of doing it individually - so it's coming! On that note, would you mind e-mailing me all your contact info as well (mailing address, e-mail, phone #) just cuz I left my address back at home. Thanks again guys! *huggs*

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So ends our first day of orientation. Wow, do they cram things in. I feel so completely lost and...overwhelmed by everything right now - I need time to digest. Things are going way too fast.


I thank the Lord for always providing when I am in need and I can only pray that I may be used in the same manner as well. Had my blogging not been interrupted by a much needed phone call, this would have continued to be a freaking-out session. Though I still have fears (one in particular is finding spiritual accountability), I am reminded that no matter what He is always with me. There are still many questions and uncertainties; but as long as I focus solely on my Father and surrender all, I will not go astray. I take great comfort in this fact. I need to worship Him more! =)

P.S. I have a feeling this "freaking-out" thing is going to happen a lot more often now. Oie!

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Hello everyone! I have arrived safely to Chicago. Thanks to all of you that keep my family and I in your prayers. For those of you that I have not spoken to in a while, SURPRISE! =) I actually got accepted into Optometry this year and will be studying in Chicago for the next 4 years (provided that I don't fail out!)

To Update:
We set off on Saturday morning, was suppose to leave at 8am but dwaddled until 10am. Got to Chicago around 7pm Toronto time. BTW, Chicago is 1 hour behind so keep that in mind if you're planning to call and send your love =P. I got to meet up with my roommate that night at a coffee shop. I still haven't had a chance to go to the Cheesecake Factory yet cuz there was a 2 hour wait...that must be some GOOOD cheesecake!

Sunday morning we went to church before moving in. I had wanted to go to Willowcreek on last time before my parents left but we got lost this time. We ended up going to The Moody Church instead. It was okay, the speaker was pretty good but the environment reminded me of the old gothic churches - kinda big and scary. On a interesting note, there's a radio station that plays Christian music all day, every day...AND they also had live service broadcasts on sundays. I thought that was pretty cool - I've never noticed any station like that in Toronto.

Anyways, we moved into my room afterwards. My roommate arrived a heck of a lot earlier than me so she was pretty much done by the time I arrived. Got settled in, had to rearrange the furniture a bit though. We think that our double room was originally a single cuz it's smaller than our suitemates...but it's ok, I'd like to think that we're a lot more cozy! =) I went out for dinner with my parents, my roommate and one of my suitemates to a restaurant called "Foodlife". It's kind of like Marche but much more casual and the food wasn't as fancy either. Then we went back to our dorm and got ready to go to a bar to meet some classmates. Wasn't all too exciting considering all we wanted to do was crawl into bed after a long day of unpacking. It took us about an hour to get to the bar and we walked about 1/2 hour to get to the station. So I only stayed about 45 mins chatting with some ppl then went back home to pass out.

Some brilliant person decided to call at 8am this morning and turned out to be the wrong number so after that, neither of us could go back to sleep. So we woke up earler and got our photo ids done. Then went to pcik up some last minute stuff.

I just goodbye to my parents and my mom started to cry =( On the plus side, my webcam's finally set up so I can talk to them face-to-face once they get home! (I got it as a going away present for them). Anyways, that's all for now - I know it's not very insightful but it'll have to do until next time.

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