I finally read "Banana Boys" by Terry Woo. I first heard of the book through Imprint (the Waterloo school paper) and then through Ivan's blog. It took me a while to get it, apparently it's not so popular in the States - I had to get mine loaned from the University of Vermont. Yes, I am too cheap to buy the book. Heck, it says $22.99 on the back! For a paperback nonetheless!
I must say that I'm disappointed. I had expected more; more humor, more connection, or something. To be honest, it just a story about a bunch of depressed asian guys who drink waayyy too much and ramble about their pathetic lives...actually, in this sense, the book was kind of realistic. *grin* But I guess it wasn't what I had wanted from the book and a lot of the experiences the characters had I really couldn't relate to. I DID enjoy trying to decipher the written form of chingish (ie. "heung jiu" = 'banana' in cantonese). It's something that I often use myself when taking down phones messages for my parents since I can't write chinese. Another thing that I thought was kind of neat was that the setting sometimes took place in Waterloo, so I knew which buildings they were talking about.
On the whole though, it's definitely a book to borrow from the library, and read only if you had time. Maybe it's because I'm a girl and the characters were guys. I find that a lot of times the conversations between the characters reflect the pseudo-philosophical discussions found on the msg board (which I also conveniently skip; sorry boys!) And their complaints about the CBC girls I find are unfounded. Of course this is my biased opinion. For example...
This is an excerpt where a guy named Dave is explaining why he likes his friend's sister:
I completely disagree with this, I know plenty of girls who fit the discription, and aren't too...anything. AND they're all dating Banana boys. So the basis of the book's is wrong. My theory is there must be something wrong with the characters in the book since no girls want to date them - could it be their self-pitying nature and lack of guts to ask a girl out?
Let's face it, deep down every girl essentially wants someone to take care of them and protect them & their off-spring. It's part of nature and is inborn, I don't care how you put it. Now, even if you're the independent type of girl (which would be more my case) it's still there - its just hidden underneath the lack of trust for the opposite sex. That is, how can these guys possible do a good enough job for their "dependants" when they can't even take care of themselves. Best we watch our own back first. This is how I think my generation of girls are brought up see it. I'm not saying that it's right or that it's good. In fact, I don't think it is and I'm learning to let go of my need to be in control and how to believe in the opposite sex (something that's a work in progress). The best way for a person to improve is when others put their trust in your abilities and just let you go at it. I mean, how else is the poor sap suppose to learn? *grin*
I couldn't help but compare myself to a character's desciption of the "ideal woman" - just to see if there was any resemblance. It's silly and stupid, I'm the first to admit it. And I can picture all of you guys laughing at me as you read this but I don't care! I'm being honest on my blog, so there =P
Excerpt #2:
"I see a willowy Asian woman: long black hair, pale complexion, large expressive brown eyes, perhaps like the ones on Japamine heronies. She has a smallish nose, and a smallish mouth, which generously gives smallish smiles.
She's neatly dressed, yet cery casual bordering on slobhood at home. She's intelligent and quiet, but never afraid to speak her mind when she feels she's right, calling me on my copped attitudes witha firm stare and a wry sense of humour.
She's resonable and serious, but she can also relax and cut loose once in a while. She might be in a 'responsible' field like accounting or optometry, but she has a full appreciation of the finer things in life, to counterbalance my aftless lack of culture.
She likes reading, she trasures her time alone, but she also loves spending time with me, just goofing off - lying in the part in the summer, driving for takeout late at night, making snide comments at the latest fall offerings by the Fox Network. She likes good coffee and good music, some of which we would argure about in a good-natured sort of way. She likes the occasional beer; when she does drink, she laughs a lot and turns red.
She likes to try new things like going out for Ethiopian or Romanian, or giving that new neo-Uiguric-Etruscan palce a shot. She makes a great Caesar salad, but otherwise, she can't cook worth beans - she pawns off all the cooking duties on me."
Let's see: Asian woman, check. I won't describe my hair as long nor my eyes large, and I look NOTHING like the anime characters. They are hot though, you've got to admit. Especially the chicks from Final Fantasy!
Anyways, my dressing may be too casual - I am more slobbishly dressed then I care to admit at times. I don't normally speak my mind unless the conversation is going at my pace - otherwise, it takes too long and requires too much effort to form an opinion. I'd rather observe and absorb. And I'm not the person that comes to mind when you think of having a sense of humour.
Ah, here comes the fun part. I'd like to think I am reasonable and serious when I need to be. And I can definitely cut loose. I AM in optometry (whoohoo, extra brownie points!) but I'm afraid I'm not very good in appreciating artsy stuff.
I do like to read a lot and I absolutely treasure my time alone. This may be single-child syndrome coming out in me. I guess I would enjoy spending time with a guy if I liked him but I'm not big on drinking coffee. Unless, of course, it's Timmy's iced caps...something that they need to start here in the states. I hate beer and refuse to drink it but I do turn red if I drink alcoholic beverages (I believe it's called the Asian flush).
I'd like to say that I enjoy trying new things but I'm not extremely adventurous. I think the last sentence speaks to me like no other - I would say that I've found my soul-mate if the guy can: a) appreciate a good Ceasar salad and b) want a girl who can't cook! *laughs*
I know that if I had to write down my "ideal man" it would probably be 10 times longer than this excerpt =). But just out of curiousity, how similar is this list to what you, as male blog readers, are looking for? I'm expecting at least 1 response from Ivan, cuz he's always willing to share his thoughts with me. Let me know!
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