So it's sunday afternoon right now and I just wanted to share something. I spent most of yesterday afternoon trying to figure out which church to go to today. Willowcreek was definitely out of the question so I started to search the web. It was a difficult thing to do since I really didn't know much. Who would have ever thought that there would be so many different denominations. For example, what's the difference between 'baptist' and 'missionary baptist'? And to make matters even more challenging, they even had the known questionable groups on the same site. So I decided to only consider those that I've heard of. There was two that sounded really good but both were quite far up north (we're talking at least 1 hr or more by subway). So I was considering a community church close to Moody Church - which was the one I went to last week with my parents. I even searched University of Chicago and Illinois Institute of Technology's website for fellowships and related church links since they were both relatively close to where I was.

All I can say is that God always provides. Helen called me just to check-up and she just happened to mention that I could look into going to a chinese church. Funny huh? Since I'm chinese, you'd think that this would have already been thought of. So I did more internet searching and found CCUC (Chinese Christian Union Church). It's located in Chinatown, which is 1 subway stop away from where I get on. I figured it was close, and since I didn't know what time the baptist church next door started, I'd go to CCUC this week and check it out first. It took me about 30 mins to get there and let me tell you, even though it was broad daylight, it was scary walking around a strange city - especially when you're female and you know the neighbourhood isn't the safest. My roommate gave me a bottle of mase to carry around. I know I've been living in a suburban bubble my whole life but seriously, who really walks around carrying mase and pepper spray in Toronto? Isn't it illegal or something?? Freaked me right out cuz it's apparently the most normal thing to have around here, regardless of whether you're a guy or a girl. Anyways, I walked into the sanctuary and it felt like I was home - it was so weird. Maybe it's because I had all this fear building up inside of me so the minute I sat down, it just hit me. Overall, the experience was good. I joined a Sunday school group, although they technically weren't doing sunday school stuff. It was the age-group closest to me and they were doing bible study leadership training so I joined in. It turns out that their previous pastor had moved to Toronto and is actually serving at NYCBC right now. How neat is that?

Anyways, in other church-related news, I went to the baptist church next door on the way to the station to find out the service times. I tried yesterday but the doors were all locked. It was kind of scary because all the windows had wires on them (in case I didn't mention before, the school is located in a rougher neighbourhood). I went inside and it was still scary and also pretty gloomy. I mean, you'd be intimidated too when you have big portraits of large, black pastors staring at you when you walk into the church. I hope that didn't sound wasn't meant to be, it's just how I felt. So I don't think I'd be comfortable going there every week...maybe during exams if I really need to.

Another thing to mention is that there's a Women's conference on Sept. 10 - 11 that I'm thinking about going to. The main speaker is Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham, and it's in Chicago. The best part is, it's FREE and there's no registration. So I can just show up last minute if I wanted to, although I'd have to figure out where it is. That's about all I have to share right now...I'll let you know how things go =)

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