This last week and a half has been quite nuts. Had some big issues to go before God with – the frustrating thing is knowing that I will have to continually come back to Him about it. That’s never going to be over and done with. But God is GOOD and SO faithful. And he even provided me my mom!!

That’s right, you heard me. My mom came down to Chicago for my long weekend spur-of-the-moment. So not only did I get to spend Christmas this year with my entire family, but I also got some alone time this past weekend. It was so great to chat with her the 5 days straight. And also to be relaxing at home, trying to fully recover from all the illnesses I’ve come down with over the holidays. One day was spent entirely in the kitchen. Note: me in the kitchen = crazyness. She tried to teach me a few simple things to make…maybe I’ll attempt them again today. Who am I kidding? =P But in all honesty, I am so thankful for her (and my dad’s) support and prayers. Just goes to remind me that our God is bigger than everything.

This past week was the best. Every year our school has a talent show and this year, it falls under the 3rd year’s responsibility (namely, Scott & I). I’ve never had to organize anything of this size, much less a production, and now that I actually have time to reflect, it a heck of a lot of work!! Suggestions for next year’s class – find lots of people to delegate things to! *grin* But for the people that did help out, many thanks. And I am so glad to have such a great partner to work with, especially for all those nights when my brain wasn’t functioning enough to process new information (which was most of them this past week). This was definitely one of those times where two heads are better than one. Everything went much better than expected – wasn’t as long as previous years and everything flowed very smoothly between acts. Obviously a few unexpected bumps here and there but overall, I’d say the night was a success! Now I am in recovery for my sleep-deprived self …the plan is to stay in bed all day. =D

To Irene and Ivan – I’m soo sorry I didn’t call this year. I even had it written down in my agenda…but Thursday being the night before the show, there were a lot of last minute things to take care of and before I realized, it was already past midnight. No excuses though – I’ve just been a very bad friend lately (sorry Yu-ling!) Many, many happy belated birthday wishes to all three of you!! *BIG huggs*

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Yet another 2 months have gone by without much of a post. Here's why - I've travelled to 5 different places in the past month and a half. For all you travelling salesmen-types, you have my sympathy. I do not want your career! I would travel for a week and then come back to school for a week of classes, meetings & tests before flying off somewhere else for another week.

1. Hong Kong for Claire's wedding. Wish I had photos to show you the paparazzi, it's kinda crazy! Sucks that that she had to 'work' on their wedding day. It was great to see family I haven't seen in 6 years and so nice to know that neither time nor distance will interfere with how close we are with each other.

2. Toronto for Thanksgiving. I got to meet up with most people and for anyone I missed, I'm really sorry! I tried my best to catch up with everyone and it was so great just to come back and hang out. Steph, thanks for letting me crash at your place for the week...and your parents were SO understanding with my schedule.

3. Denver for American Academy of Optometry meeting. Overwhelmed by the brain power and high standards these members set for themselves. Met many people I look up to and have conflicting sentiments as to where I stand as a woman with with a career in optometry.

4. Vancouver for Christmas holiday. Grandpa passed away just as I arrived at the airport. Sad but at the same time, so good that our entire family was able to come together for the holidays. It will be a while, if ever, we can get everyone back together like this again. Got to spend some real quality time with mom and dad...something that I've been sorely missing since before they left Toronto. Thanks to Kai Ma & Kai Yeh for taking care of Grandma so that we could have some alone time together. Much thoughts on Alzheimer's disease and the effect it has to family and supportive friends.

5. St. Louis for Urbana '06. Live a life worthy of your calling. Intensive. Challenging. Many questions surfaced and no solid answers. On the surface, everything seems quite the same and yet...there's a slight but inherrant change in this infra-structure. Good reminders and a good wake-up. Left with a peaceful heart and a very bad flu.

As much fun as it's been to see everyone, I am quite exhausted and in need of some real down time. Was thinking about going back to Haiti for mission trip in February but a quick reminder from mom that I need to be physically and spiritually strong before serving others is causing me to reconsider. Perhaps it is good to rest and allow the Spirit to administer to me instead.

Obviously, this brief update doesn't even scratch the thoughts that swirl in my head at this time. In time, I will share more. Can only sing praises for the opportunities, experiences and memories thus far. Happy 2007 everyone!

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