Just found out that our friends, Geoff & Karen, who were supposed to be due 10 days after us actually delivered THIS MORNING instead!  Welcome to the world little Hannah Joyce! =)

Makes everything seem so much more real and very soon.  It really is any time now - that's crazy!  I'm feeling anxious, nervous and excited all in one.

My doctor asked me to not go into labour this weekend since he's out of town.  It'll be nuts if I start going into labour while at dinner this Saturday when visiting the gang in Toronto .  There should be enough time to drive back to Waterloo though...apparently delivering a baby naturally for the first time usually takes 12-14 hours.

We'll see...!

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Whoo hoo!  We're getting there.  Baby is allowed to come any time now =D

It's been a long time since I last posted but I've got pretty much everything I wanted to do done since my time off from work (see below).  To be honest, I've really enjoyed being pregnant - not just the staying-at-home-and-taking-it-easy part but I've been fortunate enough that there hasn't been crazy complications.  I just get the regular heartburn, leg cramps, frequent bathroom breaks at all hours of the night.  So I've been able to appreciate all the time I get to spend with the baby in my belly.  I LOVE feeling it move!  Not only is it reassuring to know things are okay but it's so much fun to watch as well =)  I was a little sad and disappointed when I first found out I got stretch marks.  I thought I was doing really well all along but then I couldn't see the underside of my belly.  It wasn't until Alex pointed it out to me and I had to hold a mirror underneath to see it.   Oh well, now I'm used to it so they'll be like battle scars that I'll show off to my kids one day - hahaha!  

I've been more emotional the past month and I blame it on the hormones.  I'd cry at the silly things and I have no control over it, even when I know it's completely ridiculous. Case in point: Alex gives me a disapproving look when I say I'm full from eating popcorn; which leads to my wretched sobbing for 15 minutes.  Repeat this cycle with different triggers 3 times in a day.  Poor Alex.
When it first started to happened, I think he was a little concerned and gave me his "concerned doctor spiel" on postpartum depression to make sure I will talk about my feelings.  Now, he just lets me cry and hugs me.  The other day I cried because the baby's going to grow so quickly once it's out and I wanted it to stay inside.  Sounds insane right?    Who the heck cries for the future?

Any way, I've been spending a lot of time getting things ready.  The to-do list is essentially complete (see below for what was accomplished during my time off).  The last 3 remaining items will probably just get added to some future list down the road since none require immediate attention and action.

- create answers for lab manual

return optometry library book
return church library books
return city library books
- organize baby room
- organize study room
organize basement storage area
remove soap scum
clean stove/exhaust grill
clean ducts
fix gas fireplace
adjust eavethroughs
fix bathroom sink/pipes
register at hospital/insurance forms
buy carbon monoxide detectors
annual furnace check
make 2 extra sets of keys
bathroom hook
clean garden
- fix deck
fix bannisters
- add basement lights
fix basement leaks
- replace water heater

When my dad came to Toronto last week for the G20 summit, he brought over a suitcase full of clothes for the baby.  I washed all the hand-me-downs and put them away already but there's still a bunch of new clothes that I probably won't even use in time.  My in-laws did some research last week when diapers were on sale at Shoppers' and we went on Senior's day to load up on not just diapers but wipes and baby toiletries.  It was a pretty sweet deal cuz we got free quarter chicken dinners at Swiss Chalet for every $50 spent.  Plus snacks!  Did you know that retirement homes hand out tarts, cakes and cookies at Shoppers' on Senior's day to get you to visit their place?

Since Alex's first year of residency ends this month, he had a lot of left over vacation and professional leave days that he ended up taking before July 1st.  We got to spend a lot of time together - some of it was accomplishing the cleaning on my to-do list since I can no longer lift heavy boxes.  But a lot of times we just did quality time/date things.  Just last week, we did a spontaneous picnic.  I usually have a blanket in the car for going to the park and we had those Swiss chalet coupons.  It was tons of fun and such a beautiful day.  We also went to explore St. Jacob's village, checking out the little stores on its main street while eating pepperettes.  Some days were just trying new recipes or taking pictures with the new camera.  I think one of the best advice we took to heart was making the most of our time together with just the two of us.  I'm sure life will be very different once the baby comes along.

The marriage series with our house church group just finished and we had a night of sharing by spitting up the husbands from the wives.  It was nice to have everyone share on a deeper level and also encouraging to know that combining the spiritual aspect of a marriage is a continual learning process.  I've been challenged by God and Alex lately to incorporate the Bible more in our marriage so Alex and I are going through 1 Samuel right now.  The hardest part is being diligent and persevering when faced with other distractions.  I've been finding encouragement through reading other womens' blogs; it's been a long time since I've done that and quite refreshing actually.  

Some other news is that my maternal grandmother is on her way to BC as I type this.  She's been having health/Alzheimer issues for several years now and the family decided it was time for her to return to Canada after being in HK since my grandpa passed away in high school.  I think it'll be quite an adjustment for my parents to have her living with them and my mom will probably have to cut her trip short when she visits us in a few weeks.  Originally she was planning to stay over a month and a half to help with the baby.  

I'm kind of excited.  Less than 3 weeks before the baby arrives!  Part of me wants it come out already so I can see it and play with it, but part of wants it to stay inside longer so I can enjoy carrying it around with me.


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