Fave pic of the nite! "Showin' the love": Dave, Herman, Alex & Calla

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GRAD DINNER (belated post cuz I lacked internet)

I just got back from UWCCF’s grad dinner. I only knew a handful of people and yet, I’d have to say it’s one of my more enjoyable experiences this past year. I was sitting in the room and I couldn’t help but think how amazing it is – that we could have people from different countries, backgrounds, churches, experiences and stages in life gather together in one room; that the sole commonality that binds all these apparent strangers is our hope and joy in God. How amazing is that?!! Like I said, I didn’t know more than ½ the ppl there but the ones I do know, I consider as close as my family. We may rarely see each other and talk, but when necessary, I know I can get straight to the point with anyone; no superficial conversation is needed. In this day and age, I find that type of trust and openness something hard to come by.

Ivan had shared about what grads should expect now that they’re leaving CCF. I couldn’t help but laugh when he mentioned that wherever we go, whatever we join we’re not going to find something like CCF. I laugh because it’s so true…this is a very special group, one that God has tremendously blessed and one that I am very fortunate to have been a part of (albeit brief). It crazy if you really sit back and look at how much God worked through this group. How many lives have been changed and not just within the people that we know but also meeting older generations and where they are now, all because of their experiences in university. But with blessings come responsibility and that is something that I’ve been learning myself recently. He spoke of taking what we’ve gained at UW and using it wherever we go. That’s the hard part. It’s so easy to get bogged down and just go with the flow; with what’s comfortable and easy, particularly when everyone around you is feeling and acting this way. I enjoy my visits back to Waterloo, not only for the friendships but also as my own spiritual retreat. To be energized, to be renewed with that contagious passion to share God’s love, to be continually challenged, to be reminded of what a community of believers really entails.

I know as the year draws to a close, a lot of grads are reminiscing their university experience. So many memories! For me, one that particularly sticks out was when Jeff handed me a Lifesong invite back in 2nd year. I remember smiling and saying that I’d think about it; but in my mind was “never!” and I threw it out at the first chance he looked away. Who would’ve thought that 9 months later, I’d actually be a part of the Lifesong production? Talk about extremes! That just blows my mind, when I think of how many little seeds have been planted by different people I encountered, each individually not meaning much and yet one day, the balance just tipped. If there was anything that I want to remind myself, it’s that ANYTHING is possible as long as I don’t stay inside my bubble (current struggle).

As a side note: I’m looking forward to coming back home for the summer and hopefully spending more time with certain individuals before we really start to go off in different directions. Be expecting phone calls to get together when I get back…I want lots of quality time this summer! This weekend was such a tease…

I had a blast seeing everyone though!!! *big grin*

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-Long walk along the lake...
-Good conversation...
-Hot chocolate...
-Frozen juice box! =)

Why can't every day be a saturday???

P.S. Let me know if you don't want your name on the side...I know I didn't ask permission.

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How to truly live IN this world yet not be OF this world?

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It has begun. I just got a e-mail from a friend from high school telling me she's engaged. I can't believe it. It's the first out of my actual friends, ppl that I knew, spent time and grew up with, actually moving on to the next stage. Yikes! I guess I should be expecting more of this type of news as I get older huh? It just feels weird...I didn't expect hearing anything like this for a few more years. And I feel bad cuz we've been so out of touch that I totally didn't even see this coming. I really must get on this building better relationship idea I had a while back. *sigh* Big congrats go to Ernie and Mike though! =)

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Oie! So I'm back in Chicago safe and sound. I was planning to make my first blog the journal entries I wrote while in Haiti. But I've realized that if I wait until I've typed them all out, it'll be a looong time before I post something - hence the title!

Been going through a roller-coaster of emotions since coming back. Luckily, God gave me the opportunity to dump how I felt with two people so that I can finally organize my thoughts and see where I have been lacking. Thanks to everyone who has given me support by e-mail or phone. Once again, trying to get back on track. Does this yo-yoing back and forth ever stop? Guess not...or at least I haven't reached that point yet. Reason #2 for the title.

Last night we had our "eye-ball". Yes I know it's a geeky name for an optometry school but we love play-on-words. I did eventually go dateless cuz no one was willing to drive 8 hrs for a silly formal; what's that all about huh? *grin* But still had a blast, except for when they played slow songs, which was 1/2 the time. So if I go next year, I'm finding a date...even if I have to drug them! The thing that made my night though was when I got to dance a song with a classmate who's into swing. It's so much fun when guys know how to lead! (*Psst* that's another hint!) All the upper years have been warning us that this term is going to be killer but after a night of getting jiggy, I don't want to get back into studying. Reason #3 for the title.

I promise the Haiti trip will be posted eventually but just a brief update, it was nothing like I was expecting/hoping.

I will be coming back home for Easter weekend so if anyone's in T.O. and want to get together, I would love to spend time with you - let me know! =)

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