So ends my 2nd day of classes. Things have been going fairly well, most have been review except for my optics course - which already has half the class spinning in confusion. You may have noticed my title. You know how at the beginning of high school and university, they always have those workshops that go over how you should study? This is the first time EVER, that I have actually followed it. I have reviewed all my courses before the lectures, finished dinner, then head back to my room to review what we talked about, and then reviewed to the next day's lectures. Hence my question: What IS happening to me? It's always been that I would procrastinate during the first month of classes until assignments and midterms start getting close - then I start to hit the books. Mind you, I realize that it's only the 2nd day but still - it's weird. More scary, I think, is the fact that every other person in Res is doing the exact same thing. *sigh* I can feel myself getting old very, very fast. I need to act silly and childish before I start losing who I am. I think I have always found my identity in being impulsive. Granted, this has gotten me into trouble time and time again. But I had always thought that a little spontaneity was a good thing, not to mention fun! Does it mean that you can't be spontaneous if you want to be mature? (RE: Simon's blog) 'Cause you should always be doing something else - that's what doing things on impulse means...dropping everything and doing whatever you crave at the moment. Hmmm, just re-reading this last sentence, I can see how this is reflected in the dips in my life. Maybe it IS time for me to mature - now that's a thought!
On the topic of "exercising" (RE: Steph's blog), I have decided to take up yoga. They do have cardio/dance, what I normally like to do, but it's during my classes. Is yoga exercising? I mean, I can't see how much of a workout you can get from breathing and meditiating. But if you look at Madonna, she's crazy-fit and that's all she does! (Or so she says...) We'll see how this yoga thing goes...I'm starting to feel heavier as well. It really might have something to do with the portions they give here and my desire to not waste. Or it could also be the fact that I snack on junk food whenever I get the chance. Weekends are not the healthiest since they only serve brunch and dinners are on your own. I spent last weekend eating instant noodles, chinese rice crackers, seaweed and chips. I had bought over $100 worth of chinese junk food to bring down with me so you'll be seeing that many pounds on me in proportion! =)
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