I have finally skipped class. Not only 1 class, but most of my day today...and it's the first day of classes! So much for my fresh new start...I woke up this morning and went to my first class (biochem). Sat through 2 hours and was falling asleep the entire time. So came back home and crashed on my bed at 11am. I was completely out, even skipped lunched, and only woke up at 3pm cuz my suitemate came in to remind me that we had an optometry class that took attendence. It was crazy! I think the lack of sleep from the past "break" week finally caught up to me.
The party was great, although my guests got more of a surprise than my parents cuz they weren't expecting my parents to arrive so soon (there was a slight glitch in cell phone reception). All in all, the party went very well. The thing that amazed me the most how everyone helped out to make the entire thing come together. Someone bought all the decoration material, another person bought the groceries, someone else was in charge of catering and cake, another got tableclothes and utensils. Other people were constantly in the kitchen throughout the whole party washing dishes. It's really moving to see how many people love my parents and it's definitely a case of "action speaks louder than words". I am so thankful that we're surrounded by such a great group, it really IS almost a community - especially since they all sort of know each other somehow through my parents.
I know it's been a while since I've last blogged but things have been pretty busy the past 2 weeks. So I'm back in Toronto now since my first quarter just ended and we had a dinner get-together to celebrate my parents' 25th wedding anniversary today.
As I'm pulling out of the parking lot, my 10 yr old cousin Felix squeaks randomly from the back "Hey Vanessa, you getting married?"
In my mind I'm thinking, "Where on earth is this coming from? Do I look THAT old to be asked this question already?!!" So obviously, my answer was along the lines of "No". But seriously, the topic of marriage has been coming up more and more often recently and even within the different groups of friends that I keep in touch with, talk of rings and such are not uncommon.
I was driving by St. Tim's and it has completely changed. It's no longer the same elementary school that I remember.
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing & dance, forever and a day
We'd live the life we chose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way.
I'm sure this will be a recurring song in my head as we get's all good though - part of the process. Just trying to savour every single moment before it gets lost in all the memories.
For those of you who don't know, I'm planning a surprise party for my parents (with muchos help since I was in the midst of exams and far away in Chicago). Anyway, I think my mom was disappointed that there was not surprise party for her. We have some friends that always get the anniversary party for the milestone years and I have a feeling she was expecting something. I know it's not on the actual day (which my mom is absolutely against) but oh well, ppl are more likely to make it if it's on the weekend.
I also had a presentation planned and have spent the better part of this break week working on it (not all by myself though - you've seen my computer skills!) You know how you go to weddings and most ppl have some sort of powerpoint talking about the couple? Yeah, totally new respect for them! I had absolutely NO IDEA what the job involved. Many thanks to Yu-ling for spending hours upon hours working on it with me. It's literally been 9-5 for the past few days. You're awesome! And I do apologize once again for taking so much of your time.
Oh, more exciting news! Yu was my first victim for #17 on my list. Not only did he slave away but he also had suffered from extreme starvation as I tried to food poisoning as he ate what I cooked. It was decided that after 2 days of absolute torture, Harvey's was the best solution. *laughs* So who's up next to test out my culinary expertise? Cm'on, there must be a brave soul amongst you even after hearing this - what ever happened to encouragement? So through all the stress of planning, I have to admit that this week has been fun - I can almost say that I know powerpoint! =)
I'll keep you updated on how the party went - I really need to sleep now, I have been really lacking in this area since I came back!
À Bientôt...
So...totally don't feel like studying. I know I should. Decided to sign up for a new e-mail account instead:
*laughs* isn't it awesome? it's real too! I think I'll use it just to see everyone try to write this e-mail address down.
Yeah. REALLY don't feel like studying.