Almost a week since the wedding and there's already been some tough lessons to learn by all. There's been a lot of tears in the family, especially from my mom now that she's back in Beijing. I think it's been really difficult for her and dad - not that they're not happy for us but, just like Dad said in his speech, there's also a little bitterness and sadness.

For me, it's also learning to let go of my parents. In the past, I usually turn to them when making big decisions. My parents watched me grow up - they know how I respond to different situations and what works best for me. Now, I need to turn to Alex, to trust his opinions and decision-making skills. And sometimes that's scary - especially when my parents have known me a lot longer than he has. But we both want to learn how to love & serve each other so that makes it more exciting and worthwhile.

I was also having trouble letting go of my goals for the future. I've been blogging about wanting to a residency for a long time now. I had my heart set on one particular program which seems to meet all my needs - except for location. A few days ago the program director personally e-mailed me to ask if I was still applying b/c they were starting to receive applications. I mean, how often does the head of anything take time out for you? I felt like I had a real shot at the spot and it was time to take a really good look at my priorities.

Mom's right that it's no coincidence that this happened 3 days after I got married. It was tough, but I realized that different stages of life required different priorities. My marriage as well as proximity to my husband has become my main priority at this time. Since he will be in Canada finishing his studies, I am also going be back in Canada after graduating this May. I have no clue what I'll be doing but I have faith in God. He's brought me along this far and although things may not have turned out the way I pictured it, I wouldn't trade them for anything. I believe that He has great plans ahead for all of us.

P.S. It's friday! I'm so happy b/c it's the first weekend that I won't be doing road trips back to Waterloo or Toronto. Yea for sleeping in! =D

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UH OH...

3 more days.

It's funny. All the doctors and interns that I work with here at the VA tell me how calm I am at the fact that I'm getting married this weekend. I laugh because at work, I'm all focused on the patients...they distract me from thinking about anything remotely related to the wedding. Now that I have a few minutes to sit and reflect, let's just say that my heart rate is a little faster than normal.

On the surface, everything's quite alright...that is until I receive e-mails from Jeff asking me questions that I have not thought of answers to (although I really do appreciate you thinking of them Jeff cuz finding out the day-of would suck), getting phone calls from tense moms, or sleeping with wedding-related nightmares.

I know what I really need is some time alone with God. To refocus on Him and to just adore Him. I was reading an old post after grandpa past away and remembering how sad I felt that our Wong's side probably won't have many reunions anymore. Lo' and behold, God brings my ENTIRE family to the wedding. Even grandpa didn't get such an attendence! God works is such mysterious ways that I can only bow down in thanksgiving and awe.

Ephesians 5:19 is in my mind right now: "...sing and make music in your heart to the Lord" That's what I want to do...

Praise God! Jenessa just called me. I am so glad to have her & Mike's support and prayers. God just used her to remind me to enjoy all this. That this process really is a gift -and a wonderful one at that.

What a wonderful maker
What a wonderful savior
How majestic your whispers
And how humble your love
With a strength like no other
And the heart of a father
How majestic your whispers
What a wonderful God
You made the world and saw that it was good
You sent your only son, for you are good
"Wonderful Maker"~ Chris Tomlin

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