I'm in PEI right now, having a wonderful time. Here's a quick summary of our trip so far:

I'm in PEI right now, having a wonderful time. Here's a quick summary of our trip so far:
This past weekend was great! Dan & Beth finally got married and we were able to a part of the celebrations. Alex was their Best Man and needless to say, there were a lot of tears during his speech. What can I say - I love a man who is comfortable showing his emotions. =D It was at the Hockley Valley Resort and you know, it's a great thing to do it somewhere else. Kind of like a destination wedding because it was far enough out of the way that a lot of people stayed the night. The group of guys decided to stay 2 nights which made it a lot more fun. If I had to do my wedding over again, I would have liked to spend the day before hanging out with my friends. But to be honest, I know that it would never happen. It would be just like at my wedding where I would end up spending alone time with my parents the day before they give me away. Maybe it would've been different if we had actually been living together before I got married?
Any way, I went with the boyz to play 9 holes of golf. I had so much fun, I always hated the driving range cuz it's so boring but being on the course is completely different. It was my second time AND this time, I got to drive the golf cart too. We had some mini races and I totally felt like I was living Mario kart. My game sucked obviously but there were a few satisfying swings. All in all something I would totally do again if it wasn't so expensive. But I guess 50 bucks for a few hours of play is actually a pretty good deal. Oh no! I'm turning into one of "them". This is total payback for all the grief I gave Alex about the expenses of golf.
I also played beach volleyball with everyone on the day after the wedding. I sucked at that as well but Alex was so encouraging. He told me I actually have pretty good form considering I don't nurture my atheletic side and all I needed was more practice for improve my eye-hand coordination. *laughs* Isn't that sweet?
I also started watching Friday Night Lights since Simon's been raving about it. Surprisingly I loved it as well. I should've known because I actually enjoy football and the show the most exciting parts the game but the character development gets to me too. The only thing I didn't like was their filming style (documentary-like). I'm still on season 1 and it's getting hard to find everything on streaming. Stupid megavideo only lets me watch 1 episode every few hours.
We're suppose to be on vacation starting next week and Alex has already taken 2 weeks off. Originally we were talking about driving to the east coast to explore...but we haven't booked anything or planned anything yet. Part of me just wants to fly out west, play golf and eat off my parents. But they're still settling in and I'm sure Alex doesn't want to spend his holiday moving furniture for them. Plus, we should have some down-time alone. We haven't officially had a vacation since our honeymoon (China doesn't count since he was there on elective...and not what I would consider a vacation). Hopefully we're figure something out this weekend.