Ah! I just came out of a shower and I can't tell you how nice it felt. One thing that I've definitely taken for granted is air-conditioning. I've been working at my optometrist's office until my summer job at the Science Centre starts, and I tell you, it's been pretty brutal. How brutal, you ask? Well, think of the weather we've been having the last couple of days (~28 Celsius) and imagine stepping out of an office where this weather is considered very nice & cool. I can't possibly imagine how some families who may not be able to afford air-conditioning actually live during the summer - especially on days were there's smog and the temperature is well over 30. I guess it makes me appreciate just how many luxuries I have in my life.

On a side note - T.V. is EVIL!!!
I waste away in front of the screen...watching cleaning & home-decorating shows. You know you're getting old when this is more appealing that anything else on television at that moment. *sigh* I mean, if I was at least watching cooking shows I could maybe say that I'm being productive. Help! I need accountability!

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