Boy…I soo don’t want to study, that I’m going to blogging about randomness. I KNOW I should considering I have my first test of the school year this coming Wednesday but alas, when have I chosen to study prior to it being the last minute?

So I’ve been amazingly busy this past week but in a fun kind of way. I would go to classes in the morning; have labs, work or study in the afternoons and would do something active and fun the evenings. I’ve gone to volleyball on Tuesday AND Thursday this week…as well as learning how to play tennis on Wednesday. It’s amazing…all of a sudden, I’ve discovered sports! This summer was softball and now that I’m back in Chicago, I’m starting to really like volleyball.

The church that I go to here had its annual Labour Day tournament. There are churches from all over, like St. Louis, Detroit and Milwaukee, that come to play basketball and volleyball. So my small group played the lower division. I think majority of the group could have actually played middle division fine but of course with me on the team…*laughs* Anyway, I had a blast and actually was pretty decent when it counted. We ended up winning first and never lost any of our games. This must be my lucky year…both softball and volleyball teams that I’ve played with ended up in the finals! I think God’s trying to encourage me to be more active and less of a couch potato =)

On a completely different topic, have you ever wondered what kind of impression you give others? I have and for some reason, I had 2 people, on 2 different occasions, tell me theirs today – weird. So one said that I looked smart. How do you look smart? I’ve been wearing my glasses more around school cuz we have to do eye exams on each other; does that help? But I wasn’t wearing my glasses today. It’s odd that I would give people this impression because out of my friends, I’m probably one of the least smart. Honestly, I’m not trying to be humble or anything. I’m just thinking about all my friends that I’ve had. In elementary school, you guys were all the ones that were gifties; that had a certain way of thinking things. Same with high school. In undergrad, I was the average student. I don’t know what it is that gives people this impression. Not to say that I don’t like it. *laughs* It’s just hard to believe…maybe cuz I always grew up with my mom telling me that I was like her, not smart but needed to work hard. Some of you will remember my silly little quote on the whiteboard of my old house.

The second “impression” that I gave off was that I went to a private school. I know it’s odd, but this totally rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it’s because I hung out with a lot of people from private schools as a kid going to my piano teacher and I just have a bad association. It’s interesting how which school you go to, what your parents do, what kind of car you drive, where you live…can mean so much to some people. Mind you I’m not talking about the kids; with the kids, we generally got along and play together. But it did seem to me that there’s a certain snobbery with them…not necessarily intentional; just a type of oblivion to differences in lifestyles. Not to say that I haven’t judge others either or said the wrong things without thinking…*sigh* Forget it, I’ve lost my train of thought and my momentum. I will blog more about this another time…I want to procrastinate some more now by watching a movie.

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