…that makes you feel energized. So I went for a walk/“jog” this morning with some friends. It really was more walking for me…the jogging came in when I tried to catch up to them. I felt like one of those little runts that tag along with the big kids *laughs*

It was awesome though…getting up at 7:45 in the morning on a day you can sleep in was hard, but I feel so awake now (and very much in need of a shower).

I realized that I am more active during the summer than I am in the winter…and all forms of physical activity are usually initiated by someone else. It’s so bad. Maybe I need to live on the West Coast; everyone seems to be more health conscious over there.

I thought I was so out of shape (well…I am) but turns out those shooting pains in my shins are not completely due to the fact that I’m lazy. Apparently I may have weak ankles and I’m not walking properly. I knew I should’ve paid more attention in gym class =P.

Any way, all this beautiful weather is making it very hard for me to start studying…both for my classes and more importantly, for my boards. It’s less than a month & a half away! So I have a favour to ask…although I hate saying it - if you see me procrastinating, please tell me straight up. Remind me that after I get through this little while, I can have as much fun as I want – but I NEED to get my butt into gear RIGHT NOW.

Thanks bunches…miss you all! =)

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