In the midst of finals right now...I don't know why, but it's getting increasingly harder and harder to study and be eager about school. And it's not even about being burnt-out - I'm just plain lazy. For example, I had a exam today, and didn't really start studying until this morning...and the exam was worth 60% of my final grade! What am I thinking?? And the craziest part is, even as I am blogging this - I still don't really care. Am I honestly getting sick of school? Is it possible? Or is it just the fact that I have become apathetic to everything around me?
Things are...I don't know. In some sense, they're great! Never been better. And in other senses, they're okay to not so good. Is it possible to have such conflicting emotions going through a person simultaneously? I guess so, especially since I'm the emotional type. Or maybe I'm just trying to lie to myself.
I had started a blog a week ago my thoughts on finances but now I'm not really in the mood to finish it. But yeah, that's been something on my mind. How to keep track/manage my expenses.
I've been thinking about my future a lot. We've done grad photos and our cap & gown measurements already. Totally starting to see the light at the end of this tunnel. But where will it show me? I fluctuate back and forth on Residency. I'll probably end up doing it but in moments such as now, when I don't want to study - it makes me wonder why I would want to continue on with higher education. Maybe because I like to defer making decisions as much as possible; hoping that my circumstances will make the decision for me.
Restless. That's the word I've been using the describe my current state of being lately. I am neither here nor there. I have no clue where I want to be but I know 'this' is not it. You can probably tell from the blog itself that my mind is very jumpy right now.
I've been having this toothache that won't go away. I went to the dentist (who charged me $110 for a 10 min consult & X-rays) only to find out that there really is no problem so it's likely that I grind my teeth when I sleep due to stress. I want a second opinion. I don't feel that I'm stressed. Unless there's a lot of subconscious things going on that I need to work out.
I was reading Steph's blog and was totally jealous that y'all went to Tremblant. I can't even remember when the last time I joined everyone for a trip - probably camping over the summer, before Herb left for Japan? Geez louise, that was so long ago. I think I need a weekend getaway. I should find a cabin somewhere in Wisconsin. I just want to be a kid again - you know, throw some snowballs, go tubing, play board games, stay up late chatting. Anybody want to join me?
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