Attached the pictures of the ring since everyone's been asking:
top view: yes...the ring usually does sparkle like that when it catches the light - hee, hee! =p

side view: you may need to zoom up but there are 4 prongs that cradle the solitaire
Call me a romantic but I won't post pictures of the dress cuz I want the first time that Alex sees it is me wearing it down the aisle.
I will tell you that it's a strapless one piece made of organza and taffeta (which means absolutely nothing to me).
It's very pretty but now that I've been analyzing the pictures of me in it...I'm thinking twice about the decision to buy it. I'm such a girl! Any way, it's too late to change my mind. Here's hoping that it was all in the lighting/photo angle/lack of make-up. Either way, my groom said he'd think I was beautiful in any dress. Smart answer isn't it?
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