**this was an old post from 10.24.07 -I was holding off from posting to load some pictures but it's all on Alex's computer and that's too far away now** so much fun! Well I think it's not just married life but the fact that I get to be around Alex so often. Our schedules during the week are pretty boring - come home from work, cook dinner, clean up, wind down, shower and then go to bed. I thinking if it was purely based on time - people should get married when they're in school cuz I remember having all this extra time from slacking off. When you're working, you actually have responsibilites - kinda sucks not being able to stay up late or sleep in on classes. It's pathetic how early I need to be in bed if I want to be 100% on for my patients. BUUUTTT - we've been really making full use of our weekends and our time here in Windsor area.

Let's see - updates:

One weekend, I took Alex out to a little town called Amhurstburg. It's beautiful, right by the river - so we grabbed some ice cream and spent the afternoon on the bench in the park overlooking the water.

For my birthday weekend, Alex rented a little cottage out on Pelee Island for the night. We didn't go exploring as much as he would have liked cuz we picked up Scrabble at Value Village for $1 and got hooked trying to beat each other. The cottage is absolutely adorable and a place that I'd love to go back with a group of friends. They even had a little dining gazebo out back and a fire pit too!

This past weekend, we went to Pelee Point (the southernmost point in Canada). We played in the the cold lake & took a hike to see the Monarch butterflies rest for their migration. Did you know that they fly all the way to Mexico?!! Then we went through a Haunted House & Haunted Graveyard. It was for a fundraising event and they did an amazing job! I thought it was just for the kiddies but Alex and I definitely got scared several times (although he'll never admit it =P)

Finally, we spent our 1 month wedding anniversary...doing laundry! I was very happy - not only b/c I now have clean undies but also because I feel it was the perfect way to celebrate our marriage; by working together & loving each other.

So all in all, things are going very well. Here are some pics:

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