A Day In The Life Of...
I've been reading a series of different blogs where the women share a peek into their lives on a typical day. I found it so incredibly humbling and encouraging that it made me wonder exactly what I did with my day.
I wake up at 9:15am, groggy because I couldn't sleep last night and didn't pass out until 3:30am. Wake up Alex to go to work because he missed his alarm. Darn I had hoped to get up earlier because there was so much I had planned to do today. Get dressed as Alex rushes off to work. One thing that I've realized is that changing out of pj's into something nice and presentable actually sets my mind to be more productive. Otherwise, I could lose a whole day being comfy just watching shows and surfing the net.
Do baby's laundry - not bad...didn't have to use too much stain remover this time around! Fold our laundry that was left from before our trip. Wash dishes left over from the night before. Read first few pages from 'Every Woman's Battle'. Interesting stories...begin to compare my marriage to them. Surprised baby's not up yet. Will try to get some more things done before she wakes. Called insurance broker to get info on how to submit application. Computer and printer too far away at the moment to complete that task. E-mailed a friend and chatted on the phone with my mom. Checked on schedules around the community for baby classes and play groups instead. Only a few look interesting and able to fit in my work/Elise's sleep schedule. Will put into our calendar another time since I got distracted because I wanted Elise to learn some cantonese and ended up searching for online radio programs for children in cantonese. Dry baby's laundry and collected our own laundry from rack.
11:45am - Elise is finally up! Try out the radio program while nursing Elise. Not the greatest topic but at least she'll be hearing another language. Change her and put her in the jumper. Called Westjet in hopes of finding Elise's baby blanket. I hate talking to machines, so frustrating and such a waste of time. Saw a groupon for cleaning company and got distracted again by checking out their website. Decided their services wasn't as worthwhile as I thought. Fold our own laundry while chatting with Elise. Searched for the safest type of heater to have in her room. 1 pm and Alex is home - afternoon class was cancelled because of holidays! He warms up leftovers as lunch for us as I put Elise down for her nap. We watch Hell's Kitchen while eating and discuss afternoon plans. Afterwards, Alex naps while I shower in hopes to fight off the chills. Finally connect the computer to the printer and get the insurance application together. Check banking to make sure funds are available.
Elise wakes up at 3:30pm; another feed and we're off to do errands. First stop is Canadian Tire. They're out of the heater we want so had to take a rain check. Picked up 2 other items after much searching; total disorganization at the store due to boxing week. Next to Walmart to return diapers. Elise is growing way to fast and has outgrown this box before we even started! Crazy line-up, again likely due to boxing week sales. Pick up some groceries. 5:30pm - Elise passes out as we're in the checkout line. Stop by Timmy's for 10 delicious Timbits and found an extra. Bonus! Makes us happy and smile on the drive home. Decide to use our dinner coupon instead of cooking tonight. Head to Viet restaurant. Alex asks me what's on my mind. Sitting at the table, I reflect on the stories I read this morning. How fortunate I am to have a husband who goes grocery shopping with me, willing to go out for dinner spontaneously and attentive to my moods. I take a moment to thank God for his reminder to appreciate the simple things in life that I often take for granted. We order and I splurge on BBT and an XL noodle soup (the remainder of which becomes Alex's lunch tomorrow).
Elise wakes up before my food arrives so I nurse while Alex eats. Reflect again at how simple it is to do so in public ever since the airplane rides. I thank God that I'm overcoming my shyness & embarrassment and Elise is fast & doesn't fight the cover. We switch off and Alex plays with her while I eat. Baby makes a big stink so Alex goes to change her as I finish my meal. Amazed that a man is so willing to get down and dirty with the baby. Doesn't even try to make an excuse of no change table in the men's room - just uses the floor! What's not to love? We get the bill and with the coupon, the 2 meals and drink total comes to $3.57. Sweet deal, groupon is great!
We come home and Elise gets to open a Christmas present. The process takes a while and she eventually gets bored. We decide to try to feed her cereal and record the experience. Attempted to put her down afterwards at 9pm but she's very upset. Realized the cereal probably wasn't enough to fill her so I nursed. Put her down. As she naps, I search for the perfect kitchen table that we had in Whistler. I called the owners in BC to get the name of the shop but after some looking around, I realized that the store is gone. Elise wakes up after her catnap so it's time to play. We had our own little session of music and movement at home in front of the mirror. Typically this occurs in the afternoon but since we ran errands today, she was itching for attention and interaction. Alex joins us after and we do a few repeat renditions. Elise plays on the mat by herself while I comb kijiji and craigslist for ads matching my table criteria. Am disappointed with results. While looking on Ikea, I get distracted once more and start looking at storage systems for Elise's room. Start searching ads again for this instead.
Getting close to 11pm so we feed Elise her remaining cereal and Alex give her a bath while I prep the makeshift post-bath station on our bed. After a last nurse, we read one page from a storybook and then say our prayers. She's down for the night. I pick up toys and random clothes lying around. Unfortunately folding her laundry and unpacking her luggage from BC will have to be for another day. I wash the dishes from lunch and from feeding her. Update my to-do list for tomorrow and prepare the materials. Hop into shower and crawl into bed to blog. It's 3:15am again, how is this possible?
But what a wonderful feeling of accomplishment. Wait...what exactly did I do again today??
9:25 p.m.
Hahaha...reading this blog entry makes you realize how busy a parent's life really is. Selene often complains that her day is highly productive yet at the same time not...I think that parenthood (and more often than not, motherhood) is a thankless job and yet it is often the most rewarding role you will play in another persons life.
Anyways keep up the updates...and hang in there =)
9:22 a.m.
Thanks for those words of encouragement Dennis - it's always so nice to know that Selene is in the same shoes; makes it less lonely! =D
10:36 a.m.
Yay an update! wow you get a lot done in a day :)