Stole this from Iris' page...check it out, had a good laugh. In particular was the guy in the background playing video games & never turning around.

Ever had the feeling of a complete mental shutdown? I've experienced it twice already this past week. It's the most interesting sensation: I'm not tired or anything, it's just that mind becomes blank - utterly relaxed and devoid of any information. I flipped out the first time cuz it was while I was studying for pharm - I thought I lost everything that I studied. My roommate was quizzing me and things that I answered half an hour ago...I just sat there staring at her. Fortunately, it came back after an hour or so break.

The second time happened today, during my optometry final. Again, I was very fortunate cuz I had already finished the exam and was just going over my answers. So I just got up and left...figured it was my brain telling me it's had enough. Isn't crazy how our body sends us signals?

Ahh finals...I love finals week. Seriously. I'm not being sarcastic. It's amazing how much your can learn in such a short amount of time. It just makes me feel that going to classes are quite a waste of time. Besides, finals time are always more flexible. It's just study, eat, and sleep. I can plan my own schedule the way I want. Can't do that when there's lectures and labs to go to and assignments and papers to do. But still, between working and going to school...I'd choose school any day! Work is so routine, 9 to 5 every day. Not to say that my schedule isn't routine rite now...but at least I have a choice. I can choose to skip class. I can't choose to skip work, otherwise I'd be fired. It's so much more fun and relaxed at school. =) Maybe my thoughts will differ when I'm in 4th year. I doubt it though.

Okay...time for my meeting. Be back soon!

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