So I’m T.Aing a lab tomorrow and have to present a portion of it. So we’re learning about ‘change blindness’; how changes in our environment (big, obvious, fast or slow) can occur, yet we don’t even notice them.

If you have nothing better to do than procrastinate while at work, check out these videos & pages:

1. Classic experiment - subjects were told to watch the passing of the balls. What’s changing in the scene?

2. Merry-Go-Round – what’s changing?

4. Construction – what’s changing?

4. Magic Trick – how does it work?

Let me know if you found them easy or hard. It took me a while to find the change but my partner was a whiz. But I still thought it was fun!

Was having a conversation with Simon today and I was reminded that oftentimes, we pray for the wrong things. I need to pray for patience because, as he put so eloquently:

“We keep waiting for an answer, or a lesson, and ignore the fact that waiting is a lesson in itself. Sometimes when we don't know what to do, God just wants us to do nothing. Sit tight. Learn to listen.”
I find that even though I wait as patiently as I can, I end up doing more of the talking & thinking rather than listening.
Secondly, I need to pray for humbleness. It seems that lately, I have to work really hard to remind myself that I’m not the one who’s in control and almost immediately, I turn around to think that everything depends on me. Who do I think I am?!

Completely off topic from the other two: While ‘studying’ yesterday night, I noticed that I like to grab my tummy fat – you know, the part that rolls over the top of your pants…love handles or ‘muffin tops’ as Connie calls them. On some days, there’s more to grab – like after a buffet. Is this weird?

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