“I can trust my friends. These people force me to examine myself, encourage me to grow." ~Cher
Oh how wise you are Cher. But in all honesty, I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who I consider my friends. As little as we may chat with each other - you know who you are. Over the years, you've seen me cry at least once - either out of joy or out of frustration, and on those rare occasions, simultaneously. You're the one who's not afraid of saying things straight up because you care about me more than my immediate reaction. Even if it seems like never, you're someone that I turned to when I needed to get another perspective. You're the one to always be open and share your experiences. Or maybe we don't even really interact but I learn from you by watching how you interact with others and reading your words. You're my friend because we know deep inside, we value each other's presence in our respective lives. Thank you...for being there. For being my friend.
And if you're still trying to figure out whether or not you fit the description - chances are, you do! The fact that you'd take the time to read up on my happenings means that you care about me - or you're just incredibly creepy! *laughs* I'm choosing to believe the former.
So the big news is: I am getting baptised on Mother's Day (Sunday May 13th) at New Life Community Church in Chicago, IL. It something that's been on my heart for a very long time and I'd like to invite you to come and celebrate with me. I understand that most of you will probably be spending time with family but I wanted to let you know and hopefully, you can just say a prayer of thanks with me. Shoot me an e-mail, MSN, Facebook...whatever means you'd like, if you want the time and location.
Much love,
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