I've been bugged about the lack of updates on the blog recently and now that most people know I'm pregnant, I figured it's time to actually share thoughts on it.

1. How far along...?
I never know how to answer this question. Unless the person asking already has kids or happens to be in the medical field, chances are they won't know what an expected length's suppose to be. At least I never did. If someone told me they were 23 weeks (that's where I'm at) I would've asked "how month's is that", thinking a typical pregnancy is 9 months. Apparently it's closer to 10 months because you actually have to go through the entire 9 months. So I guess I'm around 5 1/2 months right now.

2. Size
I've been told that I'm not that big. And I guess I'm not, when I compare myself to a friend who's due 10 days after me. But I FEEL bigger; especially since I'm showing. Let's not even get started on weight gain - I'm already into numbers that I hoped never to see on the scale =P On the plus side, I read somewhere that the increased breast size account for at least a pound of total weight gain - I will definitely miss these puppies after pregnancy *grin*. Seriously though, I can't really complain cuz it means that the baby's healthy and growing; something that I am very thankful for.

3. Husband
I'm so glad Alex is around to keep me in the proper perspective - every time I report to him a higher number on the scale, he just gets really giddy and tells me how happy he is. it's hard to be all self-conscious when someone's seeing weight gain as such a positive thing. He's also been great at reassuring me that I'm still beautiful even with my big belly and tells all our friends that I've got the "pregnancy glow". Guys take notes on how to keep your woman feeling wonderful!

4. Movements
I can totally feel the baby moving inside me now. Sometimes it's doing somersaults or something cuz it feels queasy - like butterflies. And other times it's a sharp punch or kick. It's funny, I think I was expecting more like little nudges but if my hand happens to be in that spot, I can actually feel the strength of the bone - almost like being poked by a strong, thick finger.

5. Sleep
My sleep pattern has been waaay off. There was a period where I needed to make sure I had 10 hrs of bedtime because I would have to wake up at least 3-4 times in one evening to go to the bathroom. This had left me feeling very unrested, cranky and low energy. Fortunately that stopped and I've been able to go to bed at my regular times. But just this past week, I have either been woken up by really bad leg cramps in the calves or having lots of difficulty falling back asleep after going to the bathroom.
Sleep positions have been more of an issue as well. I love to sleep on my stomach but obviously, that's no longer allowed. My second choice would be on my back but apparently, I might decrease oxygen flow to the baby. So I've been trying to learn to sleep on my side but using a rolled-up down comforter as a body pillow. I've definitely gotten better but once in a while, I still wake up to find myself on my back. I never realized how important sleep was until it became a problem. Oh well, I hear it gets even harder when there late-night feedings. Should make full use of what I can get while I still can! =)

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  1. Steph says:
    10:22 a.m.

    I think pregnant bellies feel so weird cuz they are like warm water balloons soo weird! I'm so excited! I cant wait to meet baby!

  2. Simon says:
    5:19 p.m.

    Yeaaaa, little SimBron Wang.

    I don't care if you have a daughter, that should still be her name.

    Also, I've known you a long time and I don't think it's even fair for you to think you're close to fat. You know, it makes actual fat people just feel worse about themselves.