A Day In The Life Of...

I've been reading a series of different blogs where the women share a peek into their lives on a typical day.  I found it so incredibly humbling and encouraging that it made me wonder exactly what I did with my day.

I wake up at 9:15am, groggy because I couldn't sleep last night and didn't pass out until 3:30am.  Wake up Alex to go to work because he missed his alarm.  Darn I had hoped to get up earlier because there was so much I had planned to do today.  Get dressed as Alex rushes off to work.  One thing that I've realized is that changing out of pj's into something nice and presentable actually sets my mind to be more productive.  Otherwise, I could lose a whole day being comfy just watching shows and surfing the net.

Do baby's laundry - not bad...didn't have to use too much stain remover this time around!  Fold our laundry that was left from before our trip.  Wash dishes left over from the night before.  Read first few pages from 'Every Woman's Battle'.  Interesting stories...begin to compare my marriage to them.  Surprised baby's not up yet.  Will try to get some more things done before she wakes.  Called insurance broker to get info on how to submit application.  Computer and printer too far away at the moment to complete that task.  E-mailed a friend and chatted on the phone with my mom.  Checked on schedules around the community for baby classes and play groups instead.  Only a few look interesting and able to fit in my work/Elise's sleep schedule.  Will put into our calendar another time since I got distracted because I wanted Elise to learn some cantonese and ended up searching for online radio programs for children in cantonese.  Dry baby's laundry and collected our own laundry from rack.

11:45am - Elise is finally up!  Try out the radio program while nursing Elise.  Not the greatest topic but at least she'll be hearing another language.  Change her and put her in the jumper.  Called Westjet in hopes of finding Elise's baby blanket.  I hate talking to machines, so frustrating and such a waste of time.  Saw a groupon for cleaning company and got distracted again by checking out their website.  Decided their services wasn't as worthwhile as I thought.  Fold our own laundry while chatting with Elise.  Searched for the safest type of heater to have in her room.  1 pm and Alex is home - afternoon class was cancelled because of holidays!  He warms up leftovers as lunch for us as I put Elise down for her nap.  We watch Hell's Kitchen while eating and discuss afternoon plans.  Afterwards, Alex naps while I shower in hopes to fight off the chills.  Finally connect the computer to the printer and get the insurance application together.  Check banking to make sure funds are available.

Elise wakes up at 3:30pm; another feed and we're off to do errands.  First stop is Canadian Tire.  They're out of the heater we want so had to take a rain check.  Picked up 2 other items after much searching; total disorganization at the store due to boxing week.  Next to Walmart to return diapers.  Elise is growing way to fast and has outgrown this box before we even started!  Crazy line-up, again likely due to boxing week sales.  Pick up some groceries.  5:30pm - Elise passes out as we're in the checkout line.  Stop by Timmy's for 10 delicious Timbits and found an extra.  Bonus! Makes us happy and smile on the drive home.  Decide to use our dinner coupon instead of cooking tonight.  Head to Viet restaurant.  Alex asks me what's on my mind.  Sitting at the table, I reflect on the stories I read this morning.  How fortunate I am to have a husband who goes grocery shopping with me, willing to go out for dinner spontaneously and attentive to my moods.  I take a moment to thank God for his reminder to appreciate the simple things in life that I often take for granted.  We order and I splurge on BBT and an XL noodle soup (the remainder of which becomes Alex's lunch tomorrow).

Elise wakes up before my food arrives so I nurse while Alex eats.  Reflect again at how simple it is to do so in public ever since the airplane rides.  I thank God that I'm overcoming my shyness & embarrassment and Elise is fast & doesn't fight the cover.  We switch off and Alex plays with her while I eat.  Baby makes a big stink so Alex goes to change her as I finish my meal.  Amazed that a man is so willing to get down and dirty with the baby.  Doesn't even try to make an excuse of no change table in the men's room - just uses the floor!  What's not to love?  We get the bill and with the coupon, the 2 meals and drink total comes to $3.57.  Sweet deal, groupon is great!

We come home and Elise gets to open a Christmas present.  The process takes a while and she eventually gets bored.  We decide to try to feed her cereal and record the experience.  Attempted to put her down afterwards at 9pm but she's very upset.  Realized the cereal probably wasn't enough to fill her so I nursed.  Put her down.  As she naps, I search for the perfect kitchen table that we had in Whistler.  I called the owners in BC to get the name of the shop but after some looking around, I realized that the store is gone.  Elise wakes up after her catnap so it's time to play.  We had our own little session of music and movement at home in front of the mirror.  Typically this occurs in the afternoon but since we ran errands today, she was itching for attention and interaction. Alex joins us after and we do a few repeat renditions.  Elise plays on the mat by herself while I comb kijiji and craigslist for ads matching my table criteria.  Am disappointed with results.  While looking on Ikea, I get distracted once more and start looking at storage systems for Elise's room.  Start searching ads again for this instead.

Getting close to 11pm so we feed Elise her remaining cereal and Alex give her a bath while I prep the makeshift post-bath station on our bed.  After a last nurse, we read one page from a storybook and then say our prayers.  She's down for the night.  I pick up toys and random clothes lying around.  Unfortunately folding her laundry and unpacking her luggage from BC will have to be for another day.  I wash the dishes from lunch and from feeding her.  Update my to-do list for tomorrow and prepare the materials.  Hop into shower and crawl into bed to blog.  It's 3:15am again, how is this possible?


But what a wonderful feeling of accomplishment.  Wait...what exactly did I do again today??    


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I'm so glad I had blogged about how things were in that first week because the first 2 months were basically a blur and reading it just now was a good reminder of how miserable I was at the time.  Things have improved a gazillion times since then!

In terms of nursing, I first started using a shield - so glad my family doc recommended it because I was starting to feel like a failure.  It made a huge difference in feeding Elise and since she's been 3 months old, I've been able to exclusively breastfeed without pumping at all and also without using the shield.  She also feeds a lot faster now, takes ~10-20 mins whereas it used to take 1.5-2 hrs.

It's also amazing how a little extra sleep makes such a big difference.  Originally it was just the switch from 3 to 4 hrs.  Then she went to 6-7 hrs.  Since our trip to Vancouver, she's been sleeping 8-10 hrs at night although not completely through the night.  We'll hear her wake up sporadically with a shout or cooing/talking to herself but we don't have to do anything and she'll put herself back to sleep.  I know that we're not supposed to expect anything to last when it comes to babies so we're just trying to enjoy the sleep as much as we can before it changes again.

Our current routine is feeding, playing for 1-1.5 hrs and then nap-time.  I know I am biased but she is such a good baby =P  I can put her down when she's tired and she'll fall asleep on her own.  I've started to bring her out during the day either to baby classes or to run errands.  It certainly takes more time to travel and I get pretty exhausted carrying her around and transferring her back and forth from the car but it's worth it to get her out of the house.  She loves seeing new things.  I have to say I really enjoy having her around; especially watching her learn.        

She's been such a blessing to us; bringing the family closer, restoring relationships, laughter and lots of joy.   Everyone should have kids!

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Wow.  What a week; most of it has gone by as a blur it's been exciting and different to say the least!

1. First 24 hours
Baby Elise was born early Sunday morning, exactly a week ago.  You can read the birth story here.  I thank God so much for things going as smoothly as they did, especially will all the unplanned changes to the delivery.  Also that she was born healthy and unharmed.  It's truly amazing at how calm I was throughout the whole ordeal, I wasn't nervous at all, even during the surgery.  I just wish someone could've told me exactly what to expect for recovery and...well, life after baby.

The first 12 hours were great; I was still drugged up and numb and got to have a lot of skin-to-skin contact with the baby.  The first night with her was rough.  We opted to just use OHIP coverage so shared a room with another family.  Their baby cried all day while ours slept and that night, they switched.  Elise was screaming while their baby slept.  So really, both sets of parents didn't get any rest at all!

Fortunately, one of the nurses found out that Alex was a resident and pulled some strings to get us a private room.  It made a HUGE difference cuz I could go to the bathroom and have a crying baby at all hours of the night without worrying about bothering other people.  

2. Pain
It's my own fault too cuz I did read about C-section but just never fully paid attention to all the details because  it wasn't our plan.  I knew that there was going to be swelling of the legs and feet after epidurals but I hadn't realized how bad it was going to be with all the IV fluids too.  I'm just starting to see my ankles again!  The epidural started to wear off after 24-36 hrs and I had REALLY bad shakes that I couldn't control.  The pain was pretty bad too so I increased my oral meds to compensate.  I think the nurses thought I was some sort of addict by the end of my stay - they kept trying to taper me off and I'd keep trying to horde more to stash for future pain!  Turns out I got a mild infection with the staples and the swelling didn't help.  My skin felt like it was being split open all the time.  I was freaking out yesterday when Alex took them all out cuz it hurt so bad.  He then had to clean each wound which burned too.       

Along with pain from the incision, there's new pain from breast-feeding.  Goodness!  I realize now it was cuz baby Elise was hungry and not getting enough colostrum but let me tell you that our little girl can suck hard!  She gets frantic when she's hungry and just attacks one of the most sensitive parts of the female anatomy.  We had some issues with latching and I'm actually purely expressing milk at the moment.  Since she was in NICU any way, I decided to give my boobs a break and try to fully heal before attempting to breastfeed again.  I've got an appointment tomorrow with a lactation consultant to work on proper techniques.  Hopefully there will be no bleeding, blisters, etc. this time around.  

3. Fear
Too be completely honest, I'm more than a little apprehensive to have her latch on again because the breastfeeding has left such a negative impression.  Part of me feels as though she can still get the benefits of breast milk when I pump without having the pain.  But apparently you can only get so much by pump, as the baby gets older, it can draw out more by sucking than a machine could ever do.  I'd have to increase my pumping to compensate for her growth.  And at the moment, I'm still not producing enough milk to feed Elise completely so we've had to top it off with formula.  The other thing I've noticed is that since I've stopped breastfeeding, I don't feel as close to her.  I just produce the milk, Alex's has been the one to feed her and rock her.  Partly because he can have a chance to bond with Elise, but also partly because I can't hold her for extended periods without feeling pain from the incision.  With breastfeeding, I use a pillow so it supports her weight against me.  So it's like a catch-22.  

4. Frustration
When it's in the wee hours of the morning and the baby's been crying non-stop and you can't figure out why because she's been fed, burped, dry diapered, swaddled, rocked I feel as though I'm at my wits end.  I've been told that the first week is the hardest because the learning curve is so huge.  Thank God for Alex and our supportive parents.  Alex has been my rock in all of this - he's so calm in face of each challenge and reminds me to stay positive.  We even got to restart my Bible reading and prayer time, something that would NOT have been anywhere close to the top of my list at this time.  He keeps us focused on our real priorities when I get distracted or upset from well-meaning but unsolicited comments made by others. (ie. my post-pregnancy weight/tummy; feeding regiment; appropriate baby clothes; appropriate baby equipment, etc).  If there is ever a time to be grateful for this husband of mine, it's definitely now.  Our moms have been amazing as well and everyone has their own roles: His mom is responsible for preparing all meals and soups; my mom is responsible for keeping our home clean and taking care of me; Alex does the feeding and diaper changes; I am in charge of pumping milk and making sure my body is healthy enough to make MORE milk.  I don't know what I'm going to do once Alex goes back to work and the moms go back to their own lives.  More learning I guess!

5. Chinese traditions
The moms have been a stickler about certain Chinese traditions.  I've been drinking soups like mad, especially green papaya and fish because it's suppose to boost milk production.  I've been avoiding eggs and shrimp because it's not good if you have an infection.  I can't eat bananas, mangos or melons because they are too "cold".  Anything else that I eat cannot come directly from the fridge but must be at least at room temperature.    (We bought a ton of Haagen Dazs ice cream cuz they were on sale but I'm not allowed to eat it for an entire month).  There's a huge pot of ginger, pork hock and vinegar to give to everyone who visits.  I think I'm suppose to drink some myself but somehow have managed to avoid it thus far.  At least they're not super traditional and require us to do the full month's confinement.  Elise and I were are allowed out of the house and went shopping for a quick errand yesterday.  Otherwise, I think we'd all go stir-crazy.    

6. At the moment
I'm slowly recovering, every day I see improvements in my range of motions, in how quickly I can move and in my energy levels.  I'm one of the fortunate ones who didn't have issues with bowel movements following surgery.  I've heard from several people that theirs were worse than the labour and delivery.  With the staples now out, there's a lot less pain.  I try to avoid laughing, coughing or sneezing or at least hold my stomach tight if I do because all of those actions makes the incision painful, like I'm literally going to bust my gut.  I still can't sleep in my bed because getting up hurts too much, so I've been taking cat naps on the chair instead.  Doesn't make for a very restful sleep but at least getting up several times a night to pump isn't as difficult of a process.  Overall, things are getting better daily.  Hopefully we'll settle into a routine and establish a new type of normal.  Baby's crying now and I'm leaking so better get back to my pumping duties =P  (Probably too much info for all the guys but hey, you'll need it someday for when you have kids - just giving you a heads up!) 



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As my friend Jenny would say: "Stick a fork in me, I'm done" or rather in this case, "well-done" seems more appropriate.
I'm 40 weeks and 2 days at the moment with no sign of it coming to an end any time soon (ie. no contractions, no show, no plug, no pain....nothing).  And trust me, it isn't for lack of trying!  I've searched online and attempted most possibilities.  Although I did stopped short of using castor oil because a whole day of diarrhea just doesn't seem worth it even if I get a baby in the end.

I broke down in tears during lunch cuz I'm getting so irritable, angry and frustrated at everyone around me and I'm no longer feeling myself.  I'm acting ridiculous and don't know how to stop it.  Also cuz I'm starting to get worried - the doctor said that we'll have to consider inducing labour if the baby doesn't come by my next appointment.  I'd really like to avoid that even though Alex tries to reassure me that the intervention is quite normal.  I just want it to be natural...and soon!

On the other hand, I got a fresh dose of reality check when I went into hospital triage today for my non-stress test to make sure the baby's still healthy enough (the baby's still active so no worries).  There was another lady behind one of the curtains going through early labour.  It was actually quite disturbing to hear her moans getting louder and increasing in frequency.  It didn't help when I heard the nurse tell her that they were more like cramps and that the contractions were only starting.  The lady just kept saying "it's so painful", "make it stop" to finally pleading "I don't want anymore".  I'll assume she's referring to the pain since I don't think the baby is anywhere on her mind at the moment.  I'll have to remember to bring my ipod to drown out the sounds when it's my turn to be in labour.  Somehow being surrounding by moaning women doesn't seem conducive a peaceful heart.

Lord God, please forgive me of my recent attitude and quick anger.  You know exactly how I have been feeling lately and yet, it still doesn't excuse any of it.  Please transform me to be more like Your Son Jesus - to be patient and still as I wait for Your timing; knowing that Your plans are best.  Grant me a joyful spirit, one that can give thanks in all circumstances  and stay positive in any situation.

In other news, my Kai Ma is arriving tonight for a 2-day visit.  It was supposed to be a surprise but my mom accidentally let it slip.  Hopefully she'll see more than just a very round belly!  BTW, we started a baby blog - mainly for my parents but also for any of our out-of-town family and friends to stay updated on changes.  You can check it out here.



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Just found out that our friends, Geoff & Karen, who were supposed to be due 10 days after us actually delivered THIS MORNING instead!  Welcome to the world little Hannah Joyce! =)

Makes everything seem so much more real and very soon.  It really is any time now - that's crazy!  I'm feeling anxious, nervous and excited all in one.

My doctor asked me to not go into labour this weekend since he's out of town.  It'll be nuts if I start going into labour while at dinner this Saturday when visiting the gang in Toronto .  There should be enough time to drive back to Waterloo though...apparently delivering a baby naturally for the first time usually takes 12-14 hours.

We'll see...!

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Whoo hoo!  We're getting there.  Baby is allowed to come any time now =D

It's been a long time since I last posted but I've got pretty much everything I wanted to do done since my time off from work (see below).  To be honest, I've really enjoyed being pregnant - not just the staying-at-home-and-taking-it-easy part but I've been fortunate enough that there hasn't been crazy complications.  I just get the regular heartburn, leg cramps, frequent bathroom breaks at all hours of the night.  So I've been able to appreciate all the time I get to spend with the baby in my belly.  I LOVE feeling it move!  Not only is it reassuring to know things are okay but it's so much fun to watch as well =)  I was a little sad and disappointed when I first found out I got stretch marks.  I thought I was doing really well all along but then I couldn't see the underside of my belly.  It wasn't until Alex pointed it out to me and I had to hold a mirror underneath to see it.   Oh well, now I'm used to it so they'll be like battle scars that I'll show off to my kids one day - hahaha!  

I've been more emotional the past month and I blame it on the hormones.  I'd cry at the silly things and I have no control over it, even when I know it's completely ridiculous. Case in point: Alex gives me a disapproving look when I say I'm full from eating popcorn; which leads to my wretched sobbing for 15 minutes.  Repeat this cycle with different triggers 3 times in a day.  Poor Alex.
When it first started to happened, I think he was a little concerned and gave me his "concerned doctor spiel" on postpartum depression to make sure I will talk about my feelings.  Now, he just lets me cry and hugs me.  The other day I cried because the baby's going to grow so quickly once it's out and I wanted it to stay inside.  Sounds insane right?    Who the heck cries for the future?

Any way, I've been spending a lot of time getting things ready.  The to-do list is essentially complete (see below for what was accomplished during my time off).  The last 3 remaining items will probably just get added to some future list down the road since none require immediate attention and action.

- create answers for lab manual

return optometry library book
return church library books
return city library books
- organize baby room
- organize study room
organize basement storage area
remove soap scum
clean stove/exhaust grill
clean ducts
fix gas fireplace
adjust eavethroughs
fix bathroom sink/pipes
register at hospital/insurance forms
buy carbon monoxide detectors
annual furnace check
make 2 extra sets of keys
bathroom hook
clean garden
- fix deck
fix bannisters
- add basement lights
fix basement leaks
- replace water heater

When my dad came to Toronto last week for the G20 summit, he brought over a suitcase full of clothes for the baby.  I washed all the hand-me-downs and put them away already but there's still a bunch of new clothes that I probably won't even use in time.  My in-laws did some research last week when diapers were on sale at Shoppers' and we went on Senior's day to load up on not just diapers but wipes and baby toiletries.  It was a pretty sweet deal cuz we got free quarter chicken dinners at Swiss Chalet for every $50 spent.  Plus snacks!  Did you know that retirement homes hand out tarts, cakes and cookies at Shoppers' on Senior's day to get you to visit their place?

Since Alex's first year of residency ends this month, he had a lot of left over vacation and professional leave days that he ended up taking before July 1st.  We got to spend a lot of time together - some of it was accomplishing the cleaning on my to-do list since I can no longer lift heavy boxes.  But a lot of times we just did quality time/date things.  Just last week, we did a spontaneous picnic.  I usually have a blanket in the car for going to the park and we had those Swiss chalet coupons.  It was tons of fun and such a beautiful day.  We also went to explore St. Jacob's village, checking out the little stores on its main street while eating pepperettes.  Some days were just trying new recipes or taking pictures with the new camera.  I think one of the best advice we took to heart was making the most of our time together with just the two of us.  I'm sure life will be very different once the baby comes along.

The marriage series with our house church group just finished and we had a night of sharing by spitting up the husbands from the wives.  It was nice to have everyone share on a deeper level and also encouraging to know that combining the spiritual aspect of a marriage is a continual learning process.  I've been challenged by God and Alex lately to incorporate the Bible more in our marriage so Alex and I are going through 1 Samuel right now.  The hardest part is being diligent and persevering when faced with other distractions.  I've been finding encouragement through reading other womens' blogs; it's been a long time since I've done that and quite refreshing actually.  

Some other news is that my maternal grandmother is on her way to BC as I type this.  She's been having health/Alzheimer issues for several years now and the family decided it was time for her to return to Canada after being in HK since my grandpa passed away in high school.  I think it'll be quite an adjustment for my parents to have her living with them and my mom will probably have to cut her trip short when she visits us in a few weeks.  Originally she was planning to stay over a month and a half to help with the baby.  

I'm kind of excited.  Less than 3 weeks before the baby arrives!  Part of me wants it come out already so I can see it and play with it, but part of wants it to stay inside longer so I can enjoy carrying it around with me.


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It's been almost a month since I last updated - mainly because I've been so productive! I've got quite a number things on my "to do" list crossed off and the tough ones like organizing the different rooms have been started and are still an on-going process.

The month of May is a super crazy schedule. Alex and I went to his continuing education (CE) conference for four days in Alliston. It was a nice little getaway for the two of us - romantic dinners and golf courses - in addition to learning and being challenged since it was a Christian medical conference. I really enjoyed it even though the topics don't directly apply to me and it was the first professional conference I've been to that went out of their way to include the spouses. It certainly makes me re-consider travelling to the states for the Christian optometry conference that goes on every year since it was neat to meet people who share many of the same interests and topics sparked some great discussions between Alex and myself.

Then I had my own optometry CE conference this past week. I decided to save money on hotels for this one and commute to Mississauga instead. Waking up at 5:30 every morning sucked, although fortunately traffic wasn't bad. It has been so long since I've sat through lectures, I realized I actually missed learning. I was absorbing like a sponge that first day I was there and actually saw a lot of ppl I didn' t expect to see. By the last day though, the commute was taking its toll on me and I was too exhausted to pay full attention to what the speakers were saying and I slipped back into my usual hobby during classes in school - doing suduku =P. Although I always hated "networking", I tried to sit with women a few years older than myself so that I can get some ideas of how they combined their career with family. That's always interesting because everyone has different thoughts and priorities. I guess it was stupid of me to expect a one-size-fits-all answer. I still don't know exactly what I want, but I'm fortunate enough to have the flexibility to take it one day at a time.

In other news, my belly's getting firmer (definitely not as squishy as it used to be now that the baby's getting bigger). Everything seems to be on schedule at the moment, the baby's movements are getting pretty vigorous now that I'm at 30 weeks.

That's it for now, more to come when the schedule dies down a little =)

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With the students wrapping up winter term at Waterloo, clinic finished last week so they could study for their exams. The spring term doesn't start until May and it took some time for me to decide but in the end, I've chosen to take it easy for these last 3 months and not work.

It has been so awesome! I thought I would be a total couch potato and sleep all the time. Instead, I've actually been more productive around the house than I've ever been while working. I think it's the fact that I don't feel exhausted when coming home and avoid all the things that need to be done.

I've made a list of things on the blog to keep track of my progress - although I'm sure I'm going to keep adding things on there as I go. Some of them are quick/easy and others will probably take the whole 3 months to do. Every time I bring out the list, Alex gets really apprehensive! *laughs* Probably because it means I'm either going to spend more money or he will be roped in to do stuff somehow. I've read about this whole "nesting" behaviour that pregnant women apparently have. It's not suppose to start until the 3rd trimester, but I think it has more to do with the idea that most women continue to work into their 3rd trimester so don't have much time and energy. To be honest, I don't feel as though I'm "nesting", more so it's a logical thing to do cuz once the baby arrives, it's going to be super busy and things that are on the list will never get done.

We also got this really great deal off of Kijiji, 500 bucks and it included pretty much everything you'd need for the first 2 years. Considering how expensive everything is new, we couldn't pass up the chance even though it's still a little early to be purchasing things. We went to a pre-natal fair back in March so got all the ministry checklists for used items, so we made sure it was safe and appropriate before purchasing anything. At first we weren't sure of the quality and thought to negotiate the price but after seeing the items, we were super excited. The previous owner was so sweet too, she started crying when she sold us her things and was super helpful with ideas and advice.

Here's a look at the things we got:

- Storkcraft crib that converts to toddler and then double bed
- Mattress and all baby bedding
- Attachable musical toy
- Greco Car Seat
- Columbia Diaper Bag
- Snugli Front/Back baby carrier

- Playpen with change table, nature sounds and vibrations
- Fisher-price Swing set
- Little Einstein Jumper
- 2 bouncy chairs (one with vibrations)
- 2 potty trainers & 1 toilet seat

- Greco Stroller
- Activity Center
- Diaper disposal
- Bumbo seat
- Nursing Pillow
- High Chair
- Change Pad

We were pretty excited about the high chair (cuz it changes height like an elevator), the play pen (cuz its convenient and vibrates) and the diaper disposal (there's only a slot for 1 diaper at a time to prevent the smell, like a toy on its own!). I washed and wiped everything down with bleach the day we brought it back home. I'll probably need to do it one more time closer to the due date though.

The room's a complete mess; total disaster area right now cuz we just tossed everything that is related to the baby in there. I'm also trying to think of layout cuz we need to have an extra place to sleep for the grandmas when then come over to help. Pretty busy and exciting time overall so far! =D

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I've been bugged about the lack of updates on the blog recently and now that most people know I'm pregnant, I figured it's time to actually share thoughts on it.

1. How far along...?
I never know how to answer this question. Unless the person asking already has kids or happens to be in the medical field, chances are they won't know what an expected length's suppose to be. At least I never did. If someone told me they were 23 weeks (that's where I'm at) I would've asked "how month's is that", thinking a typical pregnancy is 9 months. Apparently it's closer to 10 months because you actually have to go through the entire 9 months. So I guess I'm around 5 1/2 months right now.

2. Size
I've been told that I'm not that big. And I guess I'm not, when I compare myself to a friend who's due 10 days after me. But I FEEL bigger; especially since I'm showing. Let's not even get started on weight gain - I'm already into numbers that I hoped never to see on the scale =P On the plus side, I read somewhere that the increased breast size account for at least a pound of total weight gain - I will definitely miss these puppies after pregnancy *grin*. Seriously though, I can't really complain cuz it means that the baby's healthy and growing; something that I am very thankful for.

3. Husband
I'm so glad Alex is around to keep me in the proper perspective - every time I report to him a higher number on the scale, he just gets really giddy and tells me how happy he is. it's hard to be all self-conscious when someone's seeing weight gain as such a positive thing. He's also been great at reassuring me that I'm still beautiful even with my big belly and tells all our friends that I've got the "pregnancy glow". Guys take notes on how to keep your woman feeling wonderful!

4. Movements
I can totally feel the baby moving inside me now. Sometimes it's doing somersaults or something cuz it feels queasy - like butterflies. And other times it's a sharp punch or kick. It's funny, I think I was expecting more like little nudges but if my hand happens to be in that spot, I can actually feel the strength of the bone - almost like being poked by a strong, thick finger.

5. Sleep
My sleep pattern has been waaay off. There was a period where I needed to make sure I had 10 hrs of bedtime because I would have to wake up at least 3-4 times in one evening to go to the bathroom. This had left me feeling very unrested, cranky and low energy. Fortunately that stopped and I've been able to go to bed at my regular times. But just this past week, I have either been woken up by really bad leg cramps in the calves or having lots of difficulty falling back asleep after going to the bathroom.
Sleep positions have been more of an issue as well. I love to sleep on my stomach but obviously, that's no longer allowed. My second choice would be on my back but apparently, I might decrease oxygen flow to the baby. So I've been trying to learn to sleep on my side but using a rolled-up down comforter as a body pillow. I've definitely gotten better but once in a while, I still wake up to find myself on my back. I never realized how important sleep was until it became a problem. Oh well, I hear it gets even harder when there late-night feedings. Should make full use of what I can get while I still can! =)

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I didn't get a chance to post last week since I usually do it while at work and for some reason, it was crazy - they all showed up. So I actually had to work and teach! =P Any way, today has 3 cancellations so I should have plenty of time to update.

1. O Noir
After hearing everyone talk about it during the ski weekend, Alex surprised me by making reservations and taking me out for a date night. As a side note, I don't think most people realize that majority of "blind" individuals don't actually see pitch black. In fact, it's pretty rare. Usually, it's just decreased vision, and even if there's no light perception, it typically only occurs in one eye. Not saying that they don't need canes and seeing-eye dogs; just that it's not complete darkness. Any way - for those who don't know about this restaurant, you eat in the dark and your servers are blind. It was an interesting experience, quite fun actually but I felt it was too pricey for actual taste. Especially when you're not paying for room decor or the appearance of the food. We had lots of good laughs with Alex cheating the entire meal by eating with his hands. I used my utensils but kept losing the food by the time it got to my mouth. At one point, I was sick of eating meat more than veggies and thinking that I must have finished all the veggies I gave Alex my plate. He found a whole pile of veggies hidden to one side and when he tried to feed it to me, all I got was more meat! I had gone through different courses in my training to help us understand low vision patients, but this was the first time I've ever tried to eat something. Even though it's not entirely realistic, it was a good experience and one that I would recommend to try at least once. I wouldn't go back again unless it was with a group of friends because the food was just okay and not worth the price.

2. Shopping
We spent this past weekend going to at lesst 6 different places looking for more furniture. Alex was going crazy since he hates home decor shopping but he was a good sport and we accomplished a lot. We got a really nice cabinet for our living room so the stereo no longer tips into the cardboard box (which was what it was on before). Originally, we had fallen in love with this gorgeous buffet table with wine rack but even on clearance, it was still 600 bucks! We also got a storage bench for our foyer area. It was on clearance too but much more reasonable. I love clearance shopping - it's just hard to find matching pieces for the bedroom. That's our eventual goal.

3. New electronic toys
My old laptop is 6.5 years old and although it still runs and I love it, lately it's been acting funny and making weird beeps. Seeing as I bring it with me to work each week, Alex thought a little notebook would be make more sense and be easier on my back. So he did his research and we got a Dell Inspiron mini (actually, that was the only stipulation, it had to be a Dell cuz my old one was a Dell and I love it!) I don't really know any specs but it's green, light and tiny. The only thing I have to get use to is the keyboard cuz they shrunk the shift and enter key so I have to stretch my pinky a little more than usual. I'm actually using it right now to blog =D I like how it fits into my purse so I no longer have to lug a huge laptop bag.

I also got a Kindle from my brother/sister-in-law as a belated Christmas present. i originally wasn't too keen on the idea since I love turning pages of a book but I have to say it's so much more convenient. I have 7 or 8 different series of books on it (including Harry Potter) but it's super thin and light. Yet another thing that fits into my purse! I still like actual books because sometimes I like to go back and re-read something quickly and it's harder to do that electronically. If you know someone who loves to read, I'd highly recommend this as a present.

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It's sooo bad. I spent pretty much all my free time this past week playing Lego Batman on Wii. It all started when, before the holidays, Alex had an afternoon off and we rented Super Mario Bros. on Wii. I never played video games as a child and so, was never really good. And then never wanted to play because I sucked. It's a crappy cycle. Any way, with Super Mario Bros. there's an option where you get to be in a bubble. So technically, you're still in the game, but you're not dying all the time. I loved it! I was finally "playing" video games and since it's cooperative and not competitive, I was also enjoying it for the very first time.

When I was studying in the States, I won a $30 gift card to Best Buy playing golf (more so, being the worst at golf). The problem was the Best Buy in Canada doesn't accept the gift card. So this holiday season, we went outlet shopping in Seattle and stopped by a Best Buy on the way home. Have you ever tried shopping in a tech store with 30 bucks? It's hard! Everything is either $20 or $80. We ended up spending $40 buying the Lego Batman and rechargers for Wii remotes.

I love Lego Batman. You get to play the game from the different perspectives, the good guys and the bad guys. Also, I don't totally suck at it because it's not just fighting but puzzles too. So yes, my life has wasted away a little bit since I've been home. I definitely see why my parents never bought me this kind of stuff when I was little. I'm finally living my true childhood, none of this silly business of practicing piano and doing Kumon! =P

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